six - travis

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"Dad?" Olly asked as we ate dinner the next evening.

"Yes buddy?" I murmured.

"Is Taylor going to be my new mom?"

"Why do you say that?" I frowned, curious as to what had sparked this question. Even separated, Olly's mom had always been Elena. All of our fighting had been done out of his sight, and he'd never seen his parents argue. We'd made sure of that for him.

"Well..." He stabbed a carrot with his fork. "I told mom about Taylor and how you and her were Bella's mom and dad and she got all grumpy and started saying that Taylor would take over and she would be pushed out of the way because you have someone else now."

"Oh, hey." I reached across and touched my son's shoulder. "No buddy, that's not what's happening. Taylor is Bella's mom and I'm Bella's dad, but I'm also your dad and your mom is still your mom. Just because Taylor's here, it doesn't mean your mom is going to go away."

"But what if you and Taylor get married?"

"Then..." I swallowed. "Then she'd be your stepmom, but she's just another adult who loves you buddy, she doesn't want to replace your mom. Okay?"

Olly nodded, getting distracted and moving on from the topic. But I was stuck thinking about what he'd asked. I hadn't really thought about that much yet, I mean, Taylor and I were going to talk about how our family would work with this development, but I knew she'd never want to replace Olly's mother. Elena loved our son, and just because her and I didn't love each other anymore, it didn't mean we were any less of parents.

Once Olly was in bed and asleep a few hours later, I cleaned up the kitchen and then checked the front door was locked before going off in search of my phone. A smile spread onto my lips when I found it on the couch and discovered a text waiting for me, a text from the only person I wanted to talk to at any point. My sweet girl.

Taylor: Do you want me to bring anything tomorrow?

I sat down on the couch, my heart fluttering at just the simple text. Anything from Taylor was a damn gift from god, and I couldn't help but gaze at the words she'd typed out to me before I started to reply. This woman, whether she knew it or not, had me completely whipped.

Me: Just my beautiful daughter and my beautiful girlfriend

Taylor: I wasn't aware you had a girlfriend, you know I don't know if you've actually stuck a label on me yet

Damn, she was right. I was trying to hard to treat her perfectly, and I'd forgotten the most important part. Asking her to be my girlfriend. What an idiot. Well, I'd fix that.

Me: You've swept me up into such a haze sweet girl, I managed to forget the most important thing

Me: By the time you leave my house tomorrow, there'll be a label all right

Taylor: I can't wait

Taylor: Goodnight Travis, I'll see you tomorrow

Me: Sleep well beautiful girl

Taylor: You too

Taylor: Attached 1 Image

The photo she sent me was of her curled up in bed, Bella cuddled against her chest, fast asleep. My heart melted and I liked the photo, saved it, and gazed at it for a few minutes before I put my phone down. My girls. I was so happy Olly had a sister, because he'd always wanted a sibling. They were only about seven years apart which wasn't too bad, and they got along so well. It was incredible.


"What are you doing?" Olly asked as he built lego at the table, looking up and pausing to watch where I stood at the kitchen counter.

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