epilogue - taylor

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One year later

"You look so pretty mommy!" Bella told me as I checked my hair in the mirror.

"Thank you baby." I smiled at her.

"You look like a Disney princess." Olly said from where he sat on the couch, cradling his new baby sister in his arms so that I could have my hands free. Heather was walking me down the aisle, as well as all three of my beautiful children. Olly, Bella, and three and a half month old Avery, whose baby blue eyes were a perfect copy of mine and the soft brown hair on her head was a perfect copy of Travis.

"You do." My aunt told me, and I turned around to see her dressed in a gorgeous pale pink gown, smiling at me. "I can't believe this is finally happening. My little niece getting married."

I smiled as she hugged me, trying not to start crying. It had been a very emotional year, what with finding Heather, being pregnant, giving birth to Avery, planning a wedding. And now the day was finally here. In a few minutes I would walk out and see Travis standing at the alter, waiting to marry me.

I didn't have my mother, my father, my brother, or anyone from my life in Reading, but I'd accepted that now. Travis' parents treated me like another daughter. Jason and Kylie treated me like a sister, and their girls treated me like an aunt. Olly called me his mom, which now I associated myself with being. Maybe it wasn't the family I always thought I'd have, but it was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing for the world.

"Taylor?" There was a light knock on the door, and I turned to see Kylie. "Can I borrow you for a second? There's someone here to see you."

"Sure." I nodded. "Be right back." I told Heather, who stayed back to watch the kids. "Who is it?" I asked Kylie, who just shrugged and led me through to the back of the villa we'd picked out to get married in. It would be an outside wedding in the garden, the reception inside in a beautiful hall.

I thanked Kylie as she led me to the back door, and she left me alone. A little confused, I opened it and then froze for a second when I saw who was waiting for me. My mother, my father, my brother, Abigail.

"Hi." I whispered, stunned. Enough time had passed that I didn't bother holding grudged, not with the life I led now. I'd learnt a lot about family, and I wasn't happy with any of them, but I didn't hate them. I was just shocked.

"Hi honey." Mom said quietly. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, not sure whether to slam the door or hear them out.

"Travis reached out to us." Dad told me. "He said that the relationships all of us had with you were horrible, but that he knew you still loved your family and he didn't want you to get married without them. He asked us to come and see you, but the choice is up to you."

I didn't know what to do. Mom had kicked me out for getting pregnant, dad had left us for some young girl, and Austin and Abigail just hadn't ever tried. But it had been a long time, and I couldn't find it in my heart to turn them away. I did love them.

"You're not forgiven." I said. "But I'm glad Travis reached out. I guess the anger kind of wore off when I realized life was so much bigger, and you guys will always be my family. But..." I held up a finger when my mom went to speak. "That doesn't mean anything. We don't have any more chairs but you're more than welcome to stand at the back during the ceremony. I'll organize some space for you in the reception, and we can start to fix things. If you like, you can meet my children."

"You have more?" Mom whispered.

"Three." I told her, and her eyes widened. 

"Taylor." Abigail reached out and took my hand. I looked at her. "I'm so sorry for pushing you away. I know you were going through a lot and I was so shallow about it. You needed help, and I didn't give that to you even the slightest. I've always hated myself for it, but I thought it would be better to leave you alone."

Smiling sadly, I stepped forwards and hugged her tightly. Abigail sighed, wrapping her arms around me.

"I love you Abs." I whispered. She was the only one I'd forgiven. "Always have. Thank you for coming."

"I love you too." Abigail sniffed. "You look really beautiful."

"Thank you." I blinked furiously. "God, I'm not supposed to be crying."  Abigail laughed, taking a tissue from her pocket and dabbing my eyes. "Thanks." I sniffed. Then I turned to my brother. "What's your speech?"

"Nothing except to tell you that I was a childish asshole and I'm sorry." He said. I nodded.

"Good enough." I said, and Austin smiled as I hugged him too. 

"Honey." Mom whispered when I looked at her, reaching out to touch my cheek. "You've become such a beautiful young woman. You're strong, and you have a beautiful family from what I've heard. I know I have a lot to make up for."

"Yeah you do." I nodded. "You did a lot, but that's in the past now. We can work on it."

Mom nodded, tears in her eyes as I hugged her tightly, lingering there the longest. She'd been my closest friend once upon a time before everything had happened, and a mother and daughter would never be truly separated. 

I was the most wary when I turned to dad, and he just looked at me like he knew he was the hardest to forgive. I paused there, thinking. 

"I didn't make it easy for you." I eventually said. "When you tried to reach out. I just hated you for picking love over family, but I get it now. So I understand that. It'll just take time."

"I love you Taylor."

"I love you too dad." I hugged him. "Now come on, it's almost time and if you're gonna find a place you need to go before me."

I ushered my family in and Heather took them down to the ceremony. Travis had obviously told them about Heather already since they weren't surprised, and my mother and aunt just exchanged a small nod before going off.

"Are we going now?" Olly asked, and I nodded.

"Hey little baby." I crooned as I took Avery from his arms, cuddling her to my chest. I walked with my three babies down to the door, and Olly and Bella held each other's hands, standing on my left.

Heather came back a few minutes later and looped her left arm through my right, making sure I still had enough space to hold Avery. I felt full as we waited there, my family. Travis was just past the doors, waiting to become my husband. 

Then the music started, and we walked forwards. The doors opened and a tear slid down my cheek at the sight of Travis waiting for me under an arch of flowers, already crying himself. Our eyes locked and I felt at home as I walked towards him, my heart beating for him.

"I love you." Heather hugged me when we reached the end of the aisle, and I nodded, unable to speak. I kissed Avery before handing her over, and then I bent down to kiss Olly and Bella as well. They all went to sit down, and I looked up at Travis.

He held out his hand and I smiled, reaching forwards to take it. His fingers weaved through mine as I stepped up with him, and I squeezed his hand three time. Travis squeezed back. Three times.

I love you.

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