fourteen - travis

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"Travis, hi!" Mom hugged me tightly when I met her at the front door. 

"Hi mom." I smiled. "How are you?"

"Good, good, but I want to hear about you!" Mom smiled. "This is so exciting that you're moving back home! And I finally get to meet my granddaughter!"

"Yeah." I laughed. "Come on, come see the house."

Taylor had really good connections because of her job in real estate, and she'd managed to get us a viewing at a really nice house in a really good neighborhood in Kansas City. We'd put in an offer the same day we'd seen it, and it had been accepted. Now, three weeks later, I'd gotten the keys and had come to sort a few things out. Taylor was busy at work and had stayed in New York, taking care of the kids while I was over. She'd put in her resignation and was in the process of training a new assistant to replace her.

"So, what's this big news you mentioned?" Mom asked as we strolled through the house. It was wide, open, perfect for us. 

"Well." I smiled to myself. "I want to ask Taylor to marry me."

Mom stopped, and I paused, looking back to see her staring at me. I couldn't pick her expression and waited nervously, hoping she wouldn't tell me it was a bad idea. I knew I wanted Taylor for the rest of my life, and we hadn't been back together for very long but I just wanted her to be my wife. Eventually, Mom smiled.

"Oh honey, that's amazing!" She hugged me tightly. "I'm so happy for you Travis, you must really love her."

"I do." I mumbled. "So much. I really, really love her mom. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"I can't wait to meet her." Mom pulled back to smile at me. "You said you guys are moving in soon?"

"On the weekend, yeah. Olly starts school Monday and Bella starts daycare Tuesday so we want to be settled in by Sunday morning at the latest." I told her.

"And when are you going to ask Taylor?" Mom smiled wider. 

"Valentines Day I think."

"Oh, well you've only got two weeks to plan then." Mom chuckled. "She'll love it Travis, that's very romantic."

"Yeah, I hope so." I murmured nervously.

I'd spent hours and hours scouring jewelry shops to find a ring that spoke to me, and I'd almost given up. Nothing really stood out that I could see myself giving to Taylor, but then I'd laid eyes on a ring that had just whispered her name. It was perfect.

little visual of the ring here for you bc i thought it was cute

little visual of the ring here for you bc i thought it was cute

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I'd sewn a pocket on the inside of my wallet to hide the ring until I was ready to give it to Taylor, knowing that even if she looked in my wallet for something, she was unlikely to find it. And even if she did, I knew she'd pretend not to know just so it would still seem like a surprise. 

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