eighteen - travis

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After a little while, Bella seemed to warm up to my mom a bit. My dad arrived and she ducked shyly into Taylor's arms again, causing all of us to laugh. Taylor just cuddled our daughter close, letting her come out of her shell on her own time.

Half an hour later, Jason and Kylie arrived. Kylie's parents were watching the girls so they could come to dinner, and they absolutely loved Taylor the second they met her. They loved Bella as well, who slowly crept of where her head was buried in Taylor's chest. We got her to understand that everyone around was her family, taught her what kind of family, and she warmed up to the idea quickly after that. 

"Dad?" Olly came into the kitchen as I was taking some trays out of the oven.

"Yeah buddy?" I placed the trays ontop of the stove, closing the oven. 

"I really like our family like this." He told me, and I smiled.

"Me too buddy." I ruffled his hair. "I'm glad you like it too." Olly grinned at me, and when he asked to help with the rest of dinner, I happily agreed.

We all sat down at the table twenty minutes later, Bella still wary enough that she insisted on sitting in Taylor's lap. It was pretty cute how Taylor doted on our little girl, trying to make her comfortable, and most of my attention was captured by the sight. 

"He's really whipped isn't he?" I heard Jason murmur, and Kylie stifled a laugh as I looked up at them. "Well you are!" He held up his hands.

"He's what?" Mom asked.

"Whipped." Jason told her, and she frowned in confusion. "Like she's completely wrapped him around her finger."

"Oh I absolutely have." Taylor winked at me, and everyone laughed. I flushed.

"Daddy I hava finga too!" Bella announced, sticking one finger up in the air.

"Oh do you sweetheart?" I laughed as Taylor smiled, amused. Bella nodded, grabbing a piece of carrot and stuffing it into her mouth.

After dinner, I gently pushed Taylor out of the kitchen and told her to go and relax. Jason came to help me clean up the dishes, and then we joined everyone in the living room. Olly was chatting away happily with dad and Kylie, Bella still on Taylor's lap as Taylor talked with mom. 

"So." Mom said when I sat down next to Taylor. "When were you guys going to tell us you were engaged."

"What?" Jason gasped.

"How did no one else notice the ring?" Mom's eyes widened. "God are you all blind?"

"Oh my god!" Kylie shrieked as Taylor held up her left hand. "I'm so stupid, how'd I not see it? Tell us everything!" She insisted.

"Well." Taylor exchanged a soft smile with me. "It was the day we moved out of the house in New York and came here. Travis and I had just sent everything off and we were just standing in the house, and he said he can't wait any longer and got down on one knee. It was so romantic." She reached over and took my hand. "It was perfect."

"Aww." Kylie smiled from ear to ear like the rest of our family was. Taylor gazed over at me adoringly, and I couldn't help but lean over, taking her chin and lifting it for a kiss.

"Daddy kiss too!" Bella insisted, so I planted a kiss on her forehead and she giggled.

"Don't worry I always love you too." I reassured her and she smiled at me, scrunching up her nose just like Taylor did.

Taylor was caught up with Kylie's endless questions immediately afterwards, and my attention was completely taken by her. My dream the night before had rattled me badly, and I just couldn't bear the thought of losing her. She was my whole world and I still felt a clawing sense of dread that something might rip us apart. 

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