eleven - taylor

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"Mommy hi!" My daughter squealed when they got home, and I smiled as I turned around to see her running down from the front door, a rose clutched in her hand.

"Oh hello my beautiful baby." I scooped her up and nuzzled my nose against hers. "Did you have a good day at daycare?"

"Yes!" Bella giggled. "Look what daddy gave me!" She waved the rose.

"Very pretty." I ruffled her hair before putting her down, watching as she ran off to get a glass of water for her flower. "You know you're really going to raise her with high standards if you keep..." I trailed off when I looked around and saw Travis, a bouquet of roses in his hand. Olly was right behind him, clutching a flower of his own.

"I'd hope so." Travis kissed my cheek as he handed me the flowers. "Whoever she ends up with better treat her like the queen she is, or they simply won't be good enough." I blushed, lifting my hand to touch his cheek. No one had ever treated me so incredibly as Travis did, and he seemed to want to, like it wasn't an obligation. "And I hope mommy likes how she's being treated."

"Mommy does." I giggled as he pulled me close. "Mommy especially liked how daddy treated her today."

"Oh yeah?" Travis placed a tantalizing kiss on my lips. "Well if mommy's lucky, daddy might treat her like that again once the kids are asleep."

"Shh." I pressed a finger against his lips, giggling, and Travis winked at me before moving off to make the kids some snacks. I smiled to myself, placing the roses into a vase and smelling them. Travis was so sweet, and every time he did things for me it made me fall even more in love with him. 

I couldn't help but watch with an adoring smile for the rest of the afternoon as he played with Bella and Olly. I had a few things to do that Tori had sent my way after the conference and sat at the table as the three of them played, trying to stay focused, but I spent a lot of time gazing at my beautiful family.

Just as I got up to start making dinner, there was a light knock on the front door. Giving Travis a little smile to say I had it, I headed down the hallway. When I opened the door, I saw a middle aged man in a tailored suit standing there, a folder in his hand. I didn't recognize him.

"Can I help you?" I asked tentatively.

"Is Travis Kelce here?" The man asked, and I nodded, turning back into the house.

"Honey?" I called out. "Come here a second?" A moment later, Travis came down from the living room, looking as confused as I felt. I rested a hand on his arm as he came up beside me.

"What's going on?" Travis asked, and the man offered him the file.

"I'm Sam Tesser." He introduced himself. "Your ex-wife's lawyer. She's filing for full custody of your son."

"What?" Travis took the folder as my eyes widened, and he flipped it open. He scanned a few lines and then looked up at Sam. "On the grounds that I've involved myself with a 'dangerous influence' around Olly?"

"Your girlfriend." Sam motioned to me, and then held up a hand as Travis went to speak again. "Mr Kelce I'm just her lawyer. All the information you need is in there. I will see you in court."

With that, Elena's lawyer turned and walked away, getting into his stupidly flashy car before disappearing down the street. Travis and I just stood there for a moment, and then I swallowed nervously and moved to close the door. When I looked at my boyfriend, I saw him staring down at the file with betrayal in his eyes, hurt, grief. 

I just hugged him, not knowing what to say. I couldn't imagine how I would feel to know someone was trying to take Bella away from me, but just the thought was so awful and what Travis was feeling had to be so much worse. He loved his son more than the absolute world, and he was an incredible father. I knew he didn't deserve this. Travis let out a sob and hugged me tightly, burying his face in my neck.

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