Texte 8.

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- are you okay ?
" No ... no I'm Not Okay. I just feel like I'll fall without touch ground. I break myself when I just breathe and it hurts me when my heart beats. I'm just ... dying. My head will burst and the the flames may eats me. I let some tears sink out of my eyes, but nobody can see, can just imagine how many stay in me. You say I don't do any effort, I'm just lazy. But I'm not. I do efforts, many efforts, more than you can imagine. Just wake up asks an effort, open my eyes, speak,  breathe. Staying alive is an inhuman effort. And I don't. I don't stay alive. I just survive. Days by days.
And I can't stop to survive. I'm not promising I won't stop too, but I know that now I can't. I'm not ready.
But I want to. I really, really want to disappear. Stop to leave. Die. And write it, say it ... hurts. It hurts, and that's what I do when pain make me scream, cry or hit. I hurt myself. Because I feel so bad, so tired, so sad, maybe terrified, often angry. Because pain inside is so violent, so present. And I need to feel something else. Cut my skin is the only thing I found. So no I'm Not Okay. I need help. Please help me. "
- Yeah perfect and you ?

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