Chapter 11: Sharpening Knives at the absence of an Absolute.

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Adem split off after receiving news and reporting to her that Gim had fallen and he volunteered to fortify the roads along the way hence leaving Duchess Vale alone on the way to the Capital of Louria, Jin-Hark.

She was exhausted from the days of travel it took for her to get there and as soon as she arrived she refused to take a second of rest and hurried to the Palace.

Upon reaching the throne room she announced her presence and opened the door.

"Duchess Vale, I greet your Majesty...?" Vale looked around before looking at the prime minister present in the room dealing with paper work.

"Your Grace Duchess Vale, his Majesty is on the open air Royal Bathhouse." Maus answered with his eyes still focus on the papers on the desk.

"You haven't slept, Sir Maus."

"And you haven't rested. You came from the Front right? So I'm guessing the Spies were right."

"..." They already knew? Duchess Vale felt a wave of exhaustion come over. Abandoning her knights was one thing, but the honor of a Duke household may be tarnished by abandoning Gim.

"You should go now your Grace." Maus made it seem like he was shooing a Child.

Meanwhile the Duchess couldn't protest due to her pride as a Duke and an individual. She could only sigh while walking the steps of the Royal Castle.

Opening the doors to the Bathhouse she was greeted with a lot of women naked with feminine beauties that hit the Lourian upper standards.

Seeing this sight Vale couldn't help but give an expression of cold eyes. She looked around for her Cousin, of course that did not take long as he was in the center of what seemed like a throne of women surrounding him trying to please and entertain him in an almost desperate way.

"Your Majesty." She announced her presence. "News from the front. Qua Toyne is backed by Japan and-"

"We already knew Japan would back Qua Toyne. The 100,000 Troops should be enough to conquer Qua Toyne no matter what Assistance they may give." He cut her off.

"You misunderstand the situation, Your Majesty. Japan has given Qua Toyne Firearms similar to that used by the Superpowers. It would only be a matter of time for..."

"Your Majesty!" Someone came running. "My deepest apologies for the Interruption but Qua Toyne has already retaken Gim! Currently all our troops in the country are MIA with not much confirmation on their whereabouts. We are fortifying the Border to Qua Toyne. There is also the attack on the Voltess County by mainly Japanese Forces on the south!"

Baron Volt used to be a Count but was demoted because of his sympathetic and honorbound personality. Hearing that his Fortress Walls were broken without even a mere week of siege made Vale pale. She looked at her Cousin analysing his reaction.

He was understandably furious. "What are the Generals doing!? We are even sponsored by The Parpaldian Empire! Call for everyone to gather we will have a long discussion about th-"

He paused as he instinctively watched the skies, their Proud Larger and Faster Wyverns flew elegantly for a second before they erupted into balls of fire from something fast.

The Roaring sound in the air slowly grew and instinctively Vale pulled the King and called for everyone to Evacuate, though not before a powerful gale of wind passed over her and the others as something sleek and black made a low pass over the Open Bathhouse it's turbulent gale through people off balance even Vale wavered herself from the intense feeling.

Vale hesitated to move as she watched the lone thing in the skies make multiple passes from their patrolling wyverns. It was like a Dragon toying with the lives of bright men snuffed out by something the laws of this world couldn't comprehend.

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