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Avery: 27, 5'4", graphic designer

Isabella: 25, 5'6", nurse


                        AVERY'S POV

          It was only 2:00 am or so I thought I was working on a design for a magazine that is really popular it's a BIG deal that I make this cover look spotless, being the indecisive, insecure person I am I kept changing it. I looked at the clock making sure to go to bed before Bella comes home, 6:12 "HOW IS IT SIX O'CLOCK ALREADY" I whisper yell scared that Isabella may be home already and I just didn't hear her, Bella has the night shift working 7 pm to 7 am but most days she gets off early because they have a lot of staff. I save all of my work and rush to put pajamas on as I'm putting on my shirt I hear the front door open "shit" I whisper to myself, Isabella doesn't like when I stay up this late because I forget to take care of myself, it's not the first time this has happened either so I can't let her know I was up.
           I slowly get into bed trying not to make a sound I heard her in the kitchen so I assumed I had a little time before she got in bed I adjust to make sure I can sell this because if she catches me I'm screwed, I close my eyes praying that I will actually fall asleep before she comes to lay down then I heard the bedroom door open and Isabella walk in, I was trying so hard not to open my eyes I heard her rummaging through the dresser probably finding a pair of pajamas normally she takes a shower after work but fuck my life the one day I don't wanna get caught and now she's speeding up her routine, I feel the bed dip as she gets in and her body scooches closer to me kissing me on the back of the head "I love you, goodnight" she whispers. I felt guilty for not listening to her and just taking care of myself but I am not backing down now, her arm wraps around me as to cuddle and I hear her breathing get slower " thank god" I think to myself she's finally falling asleep
She moves her head kissing me under my earlobe before whispering "babyy you're such a bad actor" she says sleepily. My heart drops to my ass "no way she knows she's just trying to make sure" I think to myself continuing to pretend to sleep "if you turn around and be the big spoon I won't lecture you" she says in a teasing tone "it's a trap" I think to myself "don't do it" my mind is pleading next thing I know I'm facing her waiting for her to turn around "Mmh I know you my love you dont sleep when you're working on something even if I tell you to" she says "I'm sorry" I say "I was really going to go to sleep at earlier tonight but I lost track of time" I say looking at her with a defeated face, "it's ok, but tomorrow you're going to sleep at 10:00 pm" she says cuddling her back into me "10:00!" I say in complete shock she shoots me a look over her shoulder glaring at me "ok ok 10 it is I say actually getting ready for bed. "Don't ever try to lie to me again, understood?" She says in a tired voice, "hot" I thought "Mmh I won't, I love you goodnight" I say getting sleepy "I love you goodnight" she says back before we both drift off to sleep.


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