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Ella: 28, 5'7", kindergarten teacher

Claire: 30, 5'8", flight attendant


                          ELLA'S POV

             It was 11:00 am and my kids were at lunch so I had time to catch up on some grading even though there isn't much to grade they're 5, today is also my birthday and the one person I want to spend it with is in Madrid 6 hours away.
My wife Claire is a flight attendant so she's all over the world every day and I'm at home... by myself I know I shouldn't be angry with her because she doesn't control where they fly to and she really enjoys what she does, but I hoped that she would take at least my birthday off. I hear the door open and a bunch of tiny humans walk in I look at the clock, shit I was supposed to get them 10 minutes ago "heyy Mrs Miller" I hear and see my teaching assistant come in "hi Michelle, oh thank god you got the kids, im so sorry I just got sidetracked with grading". I say relieved that she was there to help "sorry if it cut your lunch break short" I said embarrassed that I zoned out for that long, "it's totally fine Ms Finn just came to tell me that they were lined up and you weren't there, so I just grabbed them real fast" she says acting like she didn't just save my job "again thank you so much" I say still calling Myself stupid in my head.

Michelle runs over and turns off the lights and grabs something from inside a cabinet "1,2,3" she whispers to the kids. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MRS MILLER HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" all the children and Michele sing. I'm getting teary eyed as I see Michelle holding a cupcake with a candle in it she hands it to one of my kids telling them to be careful and they walk over and give it to me "thank you Charlie" I say about to cry "make a wish" a few of them start to say, I close my eyes and wish for the only thing I want my wife to come home soon. I blow out the candle and everyone cheers "ok back to class" I say turning on lights and wiping my eyes. Maybe this birthday isn't so bad after all.

                       CLAIRE'S POV

          I was on my flight home knowing Ella didn't think I was going to show up I mean really, I know I have a busy schedule but I would never miss her birthday, I just landed and I was calling an Uber so I can get home. I'm planning on setting up a surprise for my love but that means I have to get home before her, it's already noon and I know it takes an hour to get home so I'll have barely any time, the Uber is here so I get in and start heading home.

I'm in our apartment setting up balloons and other decorations, I called her favorite restaurant to make a reservation for dinner tonight I'm moving like my ass is on fire cause it's already 2:30 she should be home any minute, I put rose petals everywhere and hold the bouquet of flowers I got for her in my hand waiting on the couch. I hear someone outside our door and the door handle starts to move I stand up holding the bouquet making sure everything's perfect.

                      ELLA'S POV

     I open the door coming home after a long day and I see the love of my life holding a gorgeous bouquet of flowers with decorations everywhere and she's in a SEXXYYY PAN SUIT, "happy birthday baby" she says handing me the flowers and giving me the best kiss of my life. I've been standing here in shock for like 3 minutes now "babe you ok?" Claire says and I feel tears start to fall down my cheeks "my love, what's wrong" Claire says in a concerned voice "nothing, I just love you so much" I say sobbing into her shoulder. My wish came true and it's even better cause she looks sooo good, "I got us a reservation to the "French laundry" it's in an hour" Claire says "so stop crying and get ready, I'm not gonna be the only one lookin fineee tonight" Claire says smacking my ass and pushing me into our bedroom. "Ok ok I'm going, thank you baby for all of this" I say kissing her "always, my love" Claire says kissing me even harder mmmh she's getting it later.


               POV you're sooo single😃👍

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