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Stephanie: 28, 6'0", lawyer

Cora: 25, 5'7", veterinarian

Ivy: 27, 5'10", fitness trainer
                 (They're all poly btw)

                         CORA'S POV

           I just got off of work after feeling awful all day I had a constant migraine and a fever, I was headed to the gym to pick up Ivy since we can't afford three cars. I get to the gym and text her that I'm outside.

                                               Baby I'm here.

Ok I'll be out in a second❤️
I'm resting my head against the headrest just wishing for this migraine to go away, when I hear a knock on the window scaring the shit out of me "Jesus Ivy" I mutter to myself unlocking the car door.
"Hi darling" Ivy said getting in the car and leaning in to give me a kiss, I quickly put my hand over her mouth stopping her "no kisses today, I think I'm getting sick" I said trying not to cough right in her face. "Why do you think you're getting sick" Ivy asks with a concerned look on her face, "I've had a headache all day, I have a fever, I can't stop coughing, and honestly I'm trying not to throw up right now" I say letting out a painful sigh
'Did you text Steph and tell her?" Ivy said pulling her phone out "no cause I didn't feel this bad earlier" I said coughing into my elbow (Mmh proper germ protection)
"Ok go lay in the back I'm driving" Ivy said getting out of the car, I just climb over the armrest not having any energy.

                           IVY'S POV

     I open the door letting Cora go in and she immediately runs to the bathroom and shuts the door, poor baby. I go into the kitchen and get medicine for headaches, nausea, sore throat, the whole deal. I grab her a trash bag and a water bottle and head to the room, I put down all the stuff and walk into the bathroom and Cora's still throwing up. "Oh baby" I say kneeling down to hold her hair and rub her back "ughhhh I don't feel good" Cora said in between gagging "I know darling, Stephanie's gonna be here any minute too" I said still rubbing her back. Ten minutes later I hear Stephanie walk in "Ivy" she said looking for us "IN HERE" I yell out, Cora stopped throwing up and I got her to lay down and take her medicine, "what happened" Stephanie saya walking in our room and putting her bags down "I don't know she has a fever and just threw up everything in her stomach" I say opening a water bottle handing it to Cora. "I don't want water" Cora mumbles barely talking, "I know you don't want it but you need it" I say putting the bottle closer to her mouth, she takes the world's smallest sip and turns over to look at Steph "I just want cuddles and sleep" Cora said patting the bed, I climb into bed as Stephanie is still taking off her work clothes. Cora get as close to me as she physically can and her breathing starts to slow, Steph gets in bed right behind Cora as she puts on a movie for us, "I love you guys" Cora says sinking further into the mattress. "Love you too baby" I say planting a kiss on her head and one on Stephs cheek "I Love you" Stephanie says as we all slowly fall asleep.

                   That was a short one,
But it was my first time writing a poly story🫠

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