I wish you knew

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Maria: 25, 5'3", author

Hannah: 27, 5'4", realtor

Matt: loser bf/ex

                        HANNAH'S POV

             I finally sold this house that I've been working on for months. What better way to celebrate than going to Maria's house and having a Cesar salad with fries *girl dinner* maybe a little wine, and watching some love is blind.

I call Maria and tell her the amazing news she congratulates me but something sounds off I brush it off knowing I'll ask her when I get there. I arrive at Maria's house, wine in hand and knock on the door. Maria opens the door and I instantly notice her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, "What's wrong" I say letting myself in and pulling her into a long hug "it's nothing important" Maria mumbles into the crook of my neck "no, if you're crying it's important" "come here" I say pulling her to the couch "what happened" I said gently rubbing my hand over her leg", "Matt cheated on me" she says with tears streaming down her face.

In my mind I've already thought of 57 different ways to kill Matt but Maria needs me right now. "With what skank" I say dumbfounded that anyone would give up Maria, she pulls out her phone and shows me screenshots of texts and photos that they sent to each other "Ew, EW he cheated on you for THAT" I said forgetting that she's still hurting "ha I guess he did, didn't he" Maria whispers looking at the messages broken. I reach out my hand to wipe the tears off her face going dangerously slow when a tear rolls over her lip, I wipe it making eye contact "he doesn't deserve you" I whisper subconsciously but I'm glad she heard it, "thank you" she says pulling her face away and getting up.

"I'm gonna order the food" now she says walking to the kitchen, not even sparing a glance. Why, why does everyone she date have to be a jerk I can treat her so much better if she would just let me, I grab the remote turning on love is blind feeling bittersweet about the whole situation. She comes back to the couch with two glasses saying that the food will be here in 20 minutes, I waste no time opening the bottle pouring myself a tallll glass of wine as she does the same, as the show starts I can't help but sneaking glances even when she's sad she's still so perfect, I wish she knew how I felt.

The bottle is now empty, Maria having 2 glasses and me having 7 at this point I'm not even thinking about the show, my mind is racing with so many different thoughts of how I could cherish her and adore her. I get up and walk to the kitchen looking for more alcohol I find a beer in the fridge "that'll do I guess" I think to myself knowing that if I want to say something I can't be sober while I say it I sit back down already being done with half the bottle by the time I left the kitchen, I down the other half and just wait for my heart to start talking.

Very drunk I grab the remote and pause the TV "Maria, I need to tell you something" I say stumbling over my words "what" "I love you and I always have, you don't have to feel the same way about me but I just want you to know how special you are, and to not let assholes like Matt make you think otherwise. You deserve to be loved and cherished and you deserve someone who would walk to the ends of the earth for you, I love you Maria" as I stumble my way through my speech I see her eyes well up with tears "I-I I don't even know wha, ughh" "you're drunk Hannah you don't know what you're saying" she says getting up, I grab her hand "yes I do, I know what I want.. I want you" I say looking her in her eyes. "You need to sleep" that's it, that's all she says I poured my heart out, I know she's probably still broken from that jerk but, that's it?

She takes my hand and leads me to her bed lying me down, she turns to walk away but I stop her "please don't go" I say pleading for a chance thinking about how I just ruined our friendship "goodnight Hannah" she says leaving. I turn over and silently cry myself to sleep, I wake up and it's still dark out I check my phone, I only slept for an hour. I toss and turn before just laying there, I ruined any chance I had at a relationship and friendship with her. As I'm trying to fall back asleep I feel the bed dip someone slip under the covers, I'm trying my hardest to stay still as I feel her hand lightly rest on my hip.

I start to fall asleep knowing that things might actually be ok.


           I will be making a pt 2. Thanks for 400 READS 🎊🎉

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