I Want My _ _ _ _ _!

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Troian's Pov

"Hey Troian." Keegan says, giving me a small wave. I want to say something back, but I can't. As the tension in the room builds up, I can't help but think that the man a few yards away from me might be the father of my child.

Keegan Allen. The man who has been not only my co-star but also my friend since we started filming Pretty Little Liars. The man who I remember being extremely nervous before our first onscreen kiss, but will now not hesitate to eat extra-garlic hummus before we lock lips. The man who I've filmed scenes with until the early hours of the morning, both of us practically falling asleep as we say our lines. The man who I may have a daughter with.

"Are you okay?" Keegan asks hesitantly. I open my mouth to answer, but no words come out. I just nod stiffly.

"Ian just went to the bathroom," Keegan says "He asked me to watch Aspen." Of course Ian had to ask Keegan of all people. He could've chosen literally anyone else on set and I would've been happy.

I love Keegan, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to sound like I'm mad at him, because I'm not. There's no reason I should be. I'm just extremely nervous around him right now because it turns out I might've had sex with him.

The dressing room door opens, and Ian walks in. He looks between me and Keegan, noticing the awkwardness.

"Hi Troian," Ian says expectantly.

"Hi," I reply, my voice cracking. As the tension in the room builds, so does my eagerness to leave.

"I-I have to go." I choke out. I turn around and open the door, Aspen still in my arms.

"Wait mommy!" Aspen cries out "I wanna stay with Keegan!" She wriggles to get put down, but I keep her in my arms.

"No Aspen," I say firmly "We're going somewhere else."

"No!" Aspen yells, now kicking her legs "I want Keegan!" I walk out of the room, still holding on to my now wailing child.

"You can see him after." I say, wincing as Aspen's foot collides into my kneecap.

"No mommy!" She cries "Keegan! I want Keegan!" Aspen thrashes around in my arms, wanting me to put her on the floor. She slips down a bit, now closer to being able to touch the ground. I hold on to her tightly, making sure she doesn't leave my arms. Aspen's cries echo down the hallway as she tries harder and harder to escape my embrace.

"Put me down mommy!" She cries, pushing away from me "I want down!"

"Aspen Marie!" I scold "This isn't good behaviour! You can see Keegan after."

"No!" She yells "I want Keegan now!" Somehow, Aspen manages to free herself from my arms. The second her feet touch the ground, she runs down the hallway and back to my dressing room. Back to Keegan.

I hurry after her, but stop in the doorway when I see Aspen jump into Keegan's arms. She hangs on to him tightly, holding fistfuls of his shirt. Keegan looks up from Aspen and into my eyes, looking slightly confused. He opens his mouth to say something, but before any words come out, I burst into tears.

Troian Bellisario: Just Me & My GirlWhere stories live. Discover now