A/N: New Pll Book

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Hello you beautiful people! I have an exciting announcement. Last night, I got the sudden urge to start another book, so I did exactly that! It's called The Room, and it's about Ashley Benson being kidnapped. I don't wanna say too much, but I'll tell you a few things. Ashley was taken and held hostage in a room, where she's lived ever since. Her kidnapper both physically and sexually abuses her, which caused her to fall pregnant with her now three-year-old daughter. Their life is still in the room, her daughter has never once been outside their walls, she doesn't know that a completely different world exists outside them. Of course Ashley has tried to escape numerous times, but has been unsuccessful. She's settled with just trying to raise her daughter the best she can under the circumstances, trying to give her the best life possible while living in only one room.

I'm gonna leave it there, but I hope ya go and check it out😉 The first chapter is up now! Whoop whoop!❤️❤️❤️

Side Note: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 20K ON THIS BOOK! Up until The Room, this book was my most recent, my lil' baby😅 My lil' baby is growing up😂😂 I can't thank you guys enough, you all mean so much to me❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘

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