The Dad We've All Been Waiting For

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Five Days Later
Troian's Pov

"He's here!" Aspen says excitedly, looking through the window "I see a car!" I look out the window, and sure enough, Max's jeep is in the driveway. Aspen quickly runs to the front door, anticipating the moment he knocks. Though she hasn't met him yet, Aspen's still excited to see Max. I told her that a friend of mine is coming over, and that he's excited to meet her. So naturally, she's excited to meet him. As I wait near the door, Aspen walks over to me and stands behind my legs, clutching my hand.

"Are you nervous?" I laugh at her suddenly shy behaviour.

"Kind of." She says as she glances up at me with innocent eyes "What if he doesn't like me mommy?" I smile down at her, recognizing this scenario all too well. The first time that Aspen meets anyone new, she's shy and clingy to me. She only talks if she's talked to, and even then will only give the briefest responses. But once she's comfortable with the person, she's hands down the loudest, most free-spirited person in the room. A complete extrovert, and the place to look if you need a good laugh.

"He'll love you, baby." I tell her "Just be yourself."

I open the door after I hear a knock, revealing Max. He's dressed in dark jeans and a light untucked button-down, the sleeves rolled up to just before his elbows. He smiles nervously, but still has an excited look in his blue eyes.

"Hey, come in." I say cheerfully, ushering him inside. Aspen still hides behind my legs, peeking out at Max occasionaly.

"She's a little shy at first." I explain "But don't worry, she'll be used to you in no time." Max smiles, before crouching down to Aspen's height. I notice that one of his hands has been behind his back this whole time, and immediately wonder what he's holding. Aspen nervously peeks out, studying Max carefully. He does the same, looking at the little girl he's half responsible for creating. His daughter.

"Hi Aspen." He says softly "I'm Max." Aspen feebly waves, peering at him with curious blue eyes.

"I have something for you." Max continues. I watch as he takes a teddy bear out from behind his back, holding it in front of him. It's patterned with grey and white plaid, complete with a light pink bow around the neck. Aspen reaches out and grasps the teddy bear, getting a nod of approval from Max to take it. As she holds the stuffed bear in her arms, Aspen cracks a small smile.

"Thank you." She says in a delicate voice, looking up into Max's eyes.

"It's my pleasure, sweetheart." He replies, smiling. Aspen turns around looks at me, now grinning widely. She holds the bear in her arms, hugging it tightly.

"Look mommy!" She exclaims "Isn't she cute?"

I nod "What are you gonna name her?"

Aspen looks down at her new stuffed animal, a concentrated look on her face, before saying "Rosie!" With an excited giggle.

"That's beautiful, sweetie." I tell her "Why don't you go and give Max a hug to thank him?" Aspen just stares at me for a second, before hesitantly walking over to Max. He crouches down to her height, then stiffly wraps her in a hug. But once Aspen hugs back, he relaxes, although a pinched look washes over his face. I notice his eyes begin to water, and he nervously bites his lip. His hands tremble slightly as they caress Aspen's body, his daughters body. I can't imagine how this must be for him, meeting his daughter for the first time. After all these years of seeing pictures, Max has finally held her, finally made it all seem real. Although I'm sure he could've hugged her for a lot longer, Max ends the embrace and stands up. He stares at the floor, looking upset.

"I missed out on so many years." He says quietly "Her first word, her first steps, her first-"

"Max," I cut him off "I know it sucks that you missed out on those years, but they're in the past. You can't dwell on it. All that matters is that you're here now. Even though you didn't get to see some things, there are so many other opportunities coming up. You're going to see Aspen go to her first day of school, and lose her first tooth, and celebrate the birthday where she'll finally be a whole hand. There are so many other little milestones that you're here to witness, don't think about the ones in the past."

Troian Bellisario: Just Me & My GirlWhere stories live. Discover now