The meeting

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Also I'm gonna try a new writing style where for more than one line of speech, instead of speech marks I'm gonna lay it out in lines by character. You'll see what I mean soon enough.


Rogers pov:

I've just bought a third bigger nursery in between the two nurseries with the plans of merging them all. Plus that means I make more money and get more money by selling the other nurseries. And the more money the better. But it does mean that I have to talk to my disappointment of a son and his pathetic girlfriend. I don't know why he dates her, she is useless and he probably can't get anything out of her. I just need to make him see that. "Siobhan email Marjorie and Reece and tell them about the mega and that they need to meet at head office at 2pm for the meeting." I shout to her even though she is across the room. She just nods and starts writing the emails.

Marjorie's PoV:

I'm just sat in my office when I get an email come through about a nursery merge with a third nursery and something to do with someone called Janice. I sigh and call Reece.

M-Hey darling, did you get that email from head office?

R-Hey gorgeous, yeah sounds like shit and it means I have to see my dad. Also, who the fuck is Janice?

M-I'm not sure but looks like we've got to head down to head office, can I drive there with you?

R-Of course gorgeous, I'm already on my way to get you.

M-Thanks darling.

I hear a knock at the door and in comes Reece. I smile at him and we head out to his car. He rests his hand on my thigh as usual. I can feel the tension inside of him, but as I stroke his hand with my thumb he starts to calm down a little bit.

M-Are you okay darling?

R-Yeah I'm just nervous about what's going to happen that's all.

M-It's okay, I'm sure it won't be that bad.

We arrive at head office and we walk in hand in hand hoping that it doesn't go too badly.

Ro-Marjorie, Reece, take a seat.

M-What's going on, who's Janice and what is going on with this merge thing?

Ro-I bought a third nursery and it would be much more efficient to have them all in one building.

R-(sighs) you mean you get more money?

Ro-(Gives Reece a death stare) anyways three nurseries means three managers, but we will only need one. And Janice is quite a good friend of mine and on the board of directors.

M-Seriously, I have been here 15 years how I'm I still not on the board of directors but she is.

Ro-Have to make sure that there is no plans for a nursery takeover.

R-I've been doing this 6 months so I will let you take this one.

M-Thanks Reece.

R-Gorgeous Im just gonna get a water quickly, do you want anything?

M-No I'm alright darling.

R-Okay, I'll be back in a sec.

(Reece leaves the room leaving Marjorie and Roger alone in the room)

Ro-You better not try anything you know. I did this to try and get rid of you. You have been nothing but a pain these entire 15 years. And even though I don't like Reece he definitely deserves better than you. Like you're always crying or complaining about something, you're annoying as hell, you're ugly and you're just fat in general.

M-What have I ever done to you?

Ro-You're the reason Mia no longer has him on a short leash and he has started sticking up to me and I can't do anything as long as you're around. And just so you know, if you try anything at all, I will make sure you don't survive to tell anyone what happened. Understood?

M-Yeah (She says while holding back tears)

(Marjorie hears Reece coming so she holds back her tears and puts on a fake smile as not to be suspicious)

Ro-Right you two, that's all I need from you two today so you can go now.

(Marjorie and Reece leave and head back to their car)

Reece's PoV:

We get back to the car, and Marjorie still hasn't said a word. I figured she was just worried about not being manager anymore or something, so I decide to leave it for now. We get back home and Marjorie still hasn't said a word, but she just runs up to the bathroom. I think she might just be ill or something so I wait downstairs for her.

Marjorie's PoV:

I feel bad for ignoring Reece, but I don't know what to say to him without accidentally blurting out what Roger said to me. So the second we got home, I ran up to the bathroom and just stared at myself in the mirror. He was right, I really was just fat, annoying and ugly. I had heard all of that before, but for some reason it really got to me and I felt horrible. I had promised myself I wouldn't go back to doing this, but it's the only way to help...

Oops cliffhanger, ran out of time to write today, sorry for being so inactive recently my motivation has been practically none existent. I hope you're all doing okay xx

Ratty Roger and The Merge (Marjoreeces pov)Where stories live. Discover now