Marjories funeral

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Time skip to a few days later:


This one is just really sad, but you get to hear about everyone's relationship with Marjorie and there will be a lot of emotion in this one.

Third person PoV:

Today is Marjorie's funeral, no one has taken this news well at all. Everyone loved her, and the fact that she's gone has just come as such a shock to everyone and no one's the same anymore. Everyone was so close to her, but certain people have definitely been hit the hardest. Charlotte has obviously known her for over 10 years, so losing a friend that close to you is like losing your other half to the world. Carly saw her like a mum, and losing someone that you have the type of connection you have with a parent, it breaks you in an unexplainable way. Then you've got Autumn, even though she may never have admitted it, Autumn saw Marjorie as her best friend, they were like partners in crime, they loved one another (platonically). And finally you've got Reece. Marjorie was the love of his life, his soulmate, the woman he expected to spend the rest of his life with. And to have someone like that ripped away from you, breaks your heart into a million pieces and it can never be fixed. From now on, there will always be a huge hole in his heart that Marjorie used to fill. The truth is, Reece had been struggling so much in the past few days, ever since Marjorie was murdered, he just hasn't been the same. He was struggling just to stay alive without her. He had started self harming to try and get through some of the pain, but nothing helped. All he wanted was to be reunited with Marjorie once again. Even if that meant ending his life. He didn't know how to move on without her there, he relied on her to get him through his life and without her, he was clueless on what to do. Reece has begun distancing himself from everyone, as he hated people seeing his emotions and he just couldn't deal with anything. He would replay memories of Marjorie in his head, but what he didn't realise, was that this was only making it worse.

Reece's PoV:

It's Marjorie's funeral today, I can't believe that this is real. Each day, I wake up and hope this whole thing was just one bad nightmare, but it wasn't. This was real and u have to try and move on without her, but I can't. I just can't do this without her. The truth is, I'm not doing so good without her. I have gone back to self harming like when I was a teenager, I can no longer bring myself to eat anything, and half of the time, I just wish that I was dead. Because at least if I was dead, I'd be with Marjorie, and that's all that matters to me. But I cling onto life by a thread for my friends and for Autumn. I can't do that to them, they have just lost Marjorie, I can't be that selfish that I'd kill myself as well. I snap myself out of my thoughts when I hear Autumn knocking on my bedroom door. Yep Autumn made me move in with her since she didn't trust me to be on my own.

A-You okay in there Reece?

R-I'm fine.

A-Can I come in?


Autumns PoV:

I can tell that Reece isn't fine, I know he's sad about Marjorie and everything, but I feel like there's more going on that he won't tell anyone about.

A-I got you your suit.


A-It's okay, but are you sure nothing else is going on with you?

R-Yeah I'm just sad about Marjorie.

A-I know Reece, we all are. But if you ever need to talk about anything, anything at all, I'm here always.

R-Thanks little sis.

A-No problem, you should probably get dressed so you can have some breakfast before we leave.

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