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Sad music and tissues recommended for the best experience.



Reece's PoV:

Today is Marjorie and Roger's meeting, and I'm so worried that something might happen to Marjorie. She still isn't fully healed from what Kenny did to her, so Roger better not try anything! I look over and see that Marjorie's starting to stir awake. I grab one of her pain pills and the glass of water I got out last night and pass them to her as she wakes up.

M-Thanks Reece.

R-No problem gorgeous, you ready for your meeting today?

M-Ughhhh I really don't want to go to that, I can't be bothered with him. I wish I could just stay here with you.

R-I know gorgeous but we can't have him getting suspicious.

M-I know.

Marjorie rolls over and lies her head on my chest, we have a few hours before we need to start getting ready so we just lay in bed together. I wish we could just say like this forever, it's so peaceful. We lay there for a few hours just chatting about what we'll do after the meeting and just about stupid things. I manage to make Marjorie smile, which is good, she deserves to be happy. The time hits 10 and we decide that we have to start getting ready. I helped her get ready before I quickly got myself dressed. We both head downstairs but we weren't having any breakfast today since we were getting some after the meeting and taking it home, because we still can't go out in public together because of all of his spies. I drive to the street before head office and let Marjorie out. She sets up the help button on her phone just in case, and she heads in. I'm so worried for her and I swear to god if my dad does anything I might actually kill him. I just hold my phone in my hand to make sure I don't get any dreaded notifications from Marjorie.

Marjorie's PoV:

I have been dreading this meeting all week, I really don't want to see him at all, but I have to in order not to give anything away. Hopefully he isn't too mad about the whole Kenny incident. I arrive at head office and go and find Roger. We go to his office and we sit down.

(Pretend R is Roger for this bit because Ro keeps changing into to and it's annoying me)

R-So I heard you got away from Kenny, why's that?

M-I don't know I was unconscious and then woke up in the hospital.

R-Hm well I know what happened, Reece and Autumn were snooping around in your jewellery box and for some reason got worried about you, checked our CCTV footage saw Kenny and went to his house and saved you. Don't know why they'd want to save you knowing about what a horrible person you are.

M-I'm not the horrible person, you are!

(Roger slaps her)

R-Don't you dare raise your voice at me! Now, should we talk about how you are practically lying to my face right now?

M-What are you on about? I've hardly said anything.

R-So you wouldn't be back with Reece then would you?


(Roger punches her and then stands up and pins her to the wall)

R-One of my spies works at that very hospital and saw you two cuddled up next to each other. So there's that, now anything else you'd like to tell me?

M-No, why would there be?

R-So you wouldn't have opened your mouth about my little plan would you?


Ratty Roger and The Merge (Marjoreeces pov)Where stories live. Discover now