Why cant i be saved?

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Reece's PoV:

The entire drive back home, I can't help but cry at the fact that I had just left the love of my life behind forever. Even with Carly next to me, I just couldn't hold back tears anymore. The drive home was silent, until Carly was dropped off. I knew what they were going to say, but I was dreading it. I didn't want to talk to some random person about my feelings and what happened, I hate showing emotion in front of random people.

A-Reece we need to speak about what we said we would speak about this morning.

R-What's the point? They aren't going to change anything!

A-Well it's worth a try, I'm not just going to sit back and let you destroy yourself!

R-I'm fine I'm just upset!

A-I know the steps from when you were a teenager and I refuse to let yourself get that bad again!

R-Why? It's probably better something happens anyways.

A-No Reece you don't think like that!

R-At least then I could be with Marjorie and not in this hell of a life!

A-Reece calm down please! I need you to listen to me, we can get you through this but you have to let us help you!

R-Stop treating me like a kid, you're not my parents!

W-Reece we're just trying to help.

R-Oh shut up Winter you don't even like me anyways, you're only putting up with me because you have to for Autumn.

W-That's not true, I do care about you and want you to get better.

R-Bull shit!

A-Reece were just trying to help!

R-Let me out of the car.

A-I can't do that.

R-You can't keep me here like a fucking prisoner!

A-I can and will until I know that you won't hurt yourself. Now we're going to go and get some food and you're going to eat it Reece.

R-Not happening.

A-It is, because you will not destroy yourself!

R-You don't get it! I physically can't eat anything and I can't stop feeling this way! Marjorie was the love of my life and I can't do this without her, and if you insist on helping me, I'm just going to end up dragging you down with me, so it's best you just leave me to it.

A-You don't mean that Reece, I need you! Please!

I just go silent, I feel bad for her, but I just can't do this. It's all my fault that Marjorie's dead, how am I supposed to live without her? I watch as Autumn drives through the drive thru and hands me a bag with a burger and some chips. My stomach churns as it craves the food, but my mind manages to overpower it. The pain of the hunger in my stomach became unbearable as I could smell the food. I grabbed a chip and brought it to my mouth, but I couldn't open my mouth, and if I did, my hand would just freeze in time. God it shouldn't be this hard to eat food, I really am pathetic. I completely zone out trying to eat the food, and I don't even realise Autumn looking at me and calling my name.


R-Huh what?

A-Are you okay? It's been an hour and you've just been moving that chip back and forth.

R-I told you, I can't physically eat it!

A-Okay Reece, it's fine. We'll try again in the morning. Let's get you back.

Ratty Roger and The Merge (Marjoreeces pov)Where stories live. Discover now