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Marjorie's PoV:

I wake up in horrendous pain and to the sound of hospital monitors. I open my eyes properly and see Autumn and Reece stood in front of me.  Autumn leaves me and Reece to have a chat. I survived and I was saved. I was glad to be alive now because it means that I'm with these two, but what if Reece hates me because I broke up with him. My thoughts start racing and the monitor starts beeping faster and faster.

R-Marjorie what's wrong?

M-Nothing I'm fine. (She stutters out)

R-You're clearly not fine because your hearts racing!

M-Do you hate me?

R-What? No, I could never hate you.

M-I literally broke up with you, how can you not hate me?

R-Because I love you and it's not your fault.

M-How is it not my fault? I broke up with you!

R-We saw your jewellery box gorgeous.

(A worried look appears on Marjorie's face and she starts to cry)

M-I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry!

R-Marjorie, it's okay! Do you want to tell me what happened?

M-I can't, he'll kill me if I say anything!

R-Who will kill you gorgeous?


R-What the fuck has my dad said to you, honestly I'll kill him!

M-No he'll go after me and Carly and then you if he finds out I tell you anything.

R-Just tell me what he's said and I promise that I'll protect you.

M-You promise he won't find out?

R-I swear on my life.

M-Basically he was saying that you didn't deserve me because of the way I look and that you can't get anything out of me, and then he started saying that I had to break up with you or else he would kill me and that if I broke up with you, you'd go back to Mia and go back to being on a short leash so he can control you. Then he started threatening you and Carly which is why I broke up with you. And then once I did, he forced me to go with Kenny and I'm guessing you know what happened from there. So the things you saw in my jewellery box were the result of some of the things he said to me a couple days ago when you left the room.

R-Omg Marjorie I'm so sorry that happened to you. I promise I will protect you from him, but what else does he want?

M-He wants to speak to me in a week to see how things are going with his plan, and if I don't then he's going to go after the people I care about but I don't know who. So I have to play along.

R-Okay, with that meeting, I will hide on the next street over from head office and if you need anything, just signal it on your phone.

M-Okay, but can we stop talking about this right now? I really don't want to think about him.

R-Sure, what else would you like to talk about, or would you rather I got aut back in?

M-Just one more thing before Autumn comes back in.

R-What's that?

M-Can we give our relationship just one more try please, I can't do this without you!

R-Of course, I missed you way too much.

(They kiss and Reece goes and gets Autumn back in, Autumn comes in and Reece lies in the empty space next to Marjorie)

A-Looks like you two made up then. Are you okay though Marjorie?

M-Yeah, just a bit stressed with everything and in a lot of pain.

A-Not surprised, Kenny seemed to have really injured you.

M-Mhm, I don't know what I did to him or anything but oh well it's over with now.

A-Yeah, but on the bright side, the doctors said that you can leave whenever and they're gonna give you some pain med.

M-That's good, I can't wait to go back home!

R-Right we can go whenever.

M-Can we go now?

R-Sure I'll help you get ready and then we can go to the car.

M-Thanks Reece.

Reece's PoV:

I helped Marjorie get changed and we head back home. I lay Marjorie in bed with a glass of water and some pain killers and I head back downstairs to Aut.

A-Hey Reece, you doing okay?

R-Yeah I'm just worried about Marjorie. Dads been threatening her and i just can't have her get hurt anymore.

A-What do you mean fathers been threatening her?

R-He forced her to break up with me so that Mia could get me on a 'short leash' again and if she didn't then he'd go after her friends and her!

A-Omg, how could he do that to her? I'm gonna kill him!

R-He can't know that we know or else he will carry out the threats.

A-So what can we do?

R-Nothing much except protect her and our friends. And she's got a meeting with him in a week and I'm gonna be hiding nearby so she can signal to me through her phone if anything happens.

A-Okay, but why does he have to ruin everything? You two were finally happy.

R-Wow Aut I'm not used to seeing this side of you, it's nice.

(Autumn kicks his leg)

A-Don't let me regret it.

R-(laughs) I won't.

A-Yay I finally got a laugh out of you.

Had to have a wholesome bit at the end because I know you guys are gonna hate me after the next few chapters. 😅 Not saying any spoilers of what will happen though. xx

Ratty Roger and The Merge (Marjoreeces pov)Where stories live. Discover now