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Lounging in Ben's room watching Ben feed Mal strawberries on the TV, Amber works on her poetry

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Lounging in Ben's room watching Ben feed Mal strawberries on the TV, Amber works on her poetry. She couldn't seem to find the inspiration for her poetry—or any of her writing for that matter, and that bothered her. Writer's block wasn't out of the ordinary for Amber, but it had never lasted as long as it was now.

"Amber!" Mal said, rushing into Ben's room, "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"What's up, M?"

"I completely forgot that I promised Ben a picnic today and.." she said all in a rush, her voice trailing off.

"You need help making everything?"

"Well, no, actually I can make everything on my own, but I...I don't know, I guess I just need to vent and calm down."

"Of course!" Amber said, without a pause, getting up from Ben's bed and closing the notebook where she kept all her writing. "Let's go!"


Back in Mal's room, Amber sat down, waiting for Mal to begin talking.

Mal went over to the desk in her room, where bread, peanut butter, and jelly were sitting. As Mal made a sandwich she began to talk:

"I don't know what wrong with me!" She began, spooning peanut butter on one of the pieces of bread. "I mean, you've seen me! I'm a mess! We've had this talk before, I don't know what the hell I'm doing here and that becomes more apparent everyday!"

With the sandwich made, Mal reached over for her spell book, which surprised Amber, she had thought Mal was over all of that.

Taking a second to read a bookmarked page, she closed the book, setting it down and swishing her fingers over the sandwich. And then BAM! A whole ass picnic!

"How are you holding up?" Mal asked, as if she hadn't just turned a sandwich into a three course meal.


"You like it?" Mal asked, turning to Amber, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, it's great, it's amazing!"

"Please don't tell Ben though," she said as she packed up all of the food she had just spelled, putting it in a basket and carrying everything to the door.

"Mal," Amber stopped her before Mal had time to leave. "Come here."

Amber walked over to Mal, wrapping her arms around the girl. Sometimes a hug was all someone needed. "You're doing great."

With a sigh, Mal pulled away from the hug after a few seconds. "Thanks, for listening," She gave Amber a small smile before heading off to her picnic with Ben.


Sitting under a tree, trying to work on her writing, she sat in silence, waiting for inspiration to strike. She couldn't help but think, sitting under her tree, listening to the light breeze and smelling the grass and dirt in the summer. She had always felt like she belonged in Auradon, her parents were loving and kind, supporting everything she had ever wanted to do, but ever since her writing inspiration flew out of the window, she was beginning to think she needed a change. But she didn't know what to do.

"Amber!" she heard Ben's voice coming from behind her tree, breaking her away from her thoughts

"Amber we need to talk."

"Yeah?" Amber stood, confused as to why Ben seemed so upset.

"Did you know about Mal still using her spell book?"

"Yes but-" She was going to say, "yes but, if you could just see all the stress she's been put under, you'd completely understand."

She didn't get a chance to say any of that. Ben cut her off, punching the tree in anger. "How could she? I thought we were past all of this!"

She didn't have another chance to speak because before she knew it, Ben was storming away. It was only then that she remembered Mal. What she must be going through with Ben all upset at her.


Mal was nowhere to be found. Amber looked everywhere. She was nowhere in sight.

Amber finally found Mal in her room, packing.

"Mal?" Amber said tentatively, worried about the girl. "Is everything ok?"

It was a stupid question, she obviously wasn't ok, but she didn't know what else to say.

"No Amber, no, I'm not ok. I'll never fit in here. We all know it."

"No you're getting better!"

"Amber, we both know you're lying. This isn't who I am. I need to go back to the Isle. It's my home."

Deep down Amber knew there was no stopping Mal. She couldn't make her stay, but she could...

"Take me with you." Amber didn't even know what made her say it.

"What?" Mal asked, taken by surprise, "you'd regret it immediately, it isn't a place for you."

"Exactly!" Amber exclaimed, "that's the whole point! I'd be getting out of my comfort zone! I was thinking just earlier today that I needed to change up my life and this is the perfect opportunity! And you know I can handle myself when it comes to fighting!"
It was true, her mother had put her in self-defense classes as soon as she could walk so that "No one can take advantage of you"

Mal was silent for a few minutes, and Amber could see that she was turning the idea over in her head.

After awhile Mal finally said "Fine. But you need to get the correct clothing. Meet me back here in an hour, go to Evie's room and grab an outfit that'll make you look like you fit in the Isle.

"Ok! Great! See you soon!" Amber said, overjoyed that Mal agreed.

"If you're not here at exactly 1:00pm, I'm leaving without you!" Mal said sternly, but Amber could tell there was a smile behind her words.

"Thank you so much!" Amber squealed before running to collect her belongings.

and so it begins! the journey! i'm excitedddd
i can't wait for you all to see what i have planned
make sure to vote and comment<3


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