4 - A Magic Wand

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It was late and last curfew so that meant sneaking around. It wasn't hard, we got to the boys room with ease. I don't know why I expected a little more trouble but there wasn't which was disappointing. Trouble always made things... fun, a whole ton more fun. For whatever reason this school has decided to put there trust in five villain kids to not commit any trouble. That was naive, beyond naive. The door was left unlocked which was nice for us. I slowly walked in with the girls behind me. From outside I could hear the grunting of Carlos but it was o my worse when we came in. There Carlos was playing a moving video game. His arms were being throw around, his body thrown back, his eyes darting every which way all to follow the game.

"Guess who's here." I said in a sing song voice with a smile.

My eyes quickly found there way to Jay and his bed. I nudged Mal's arm and pointed to Jays bed. We walked forward as Jay threw more things out his pocket and onto the bed.

"Jay. What's is this?" Mal asked, moving in front of me and walking towards the bed.

I stood a little closer to Carlos, watching him play.

"It's called steeling." Jay answered Mal.

"Okay. What's the point?" Mal asked, her hands sitting at her hips.

"Well Mal, it's like buying whatever I want expect it's free." Jay explains.

Mal knew what steeling was, we all knew just as we often did. Our parents had forced us to steel since we were little. We were good at it. She was getting at a point, a point he missed.

"Okay... so you could do that or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal said, picking up a phone before dropping it back on the bed.

"You sound just like your mom." Evie added quickly.

Mal put her hand over her heart and looked back at Evie with a smile. "Thank you."

"You do it your way and I'll do mine." Jay told her as he walked away.

"Die suckers!" Carlos yelled at the TV. "Jay, come this thing out it's awesome."

Jay takes the two sticks and jumps up on the lifted floor. It dosent take more than a second for him to be all over it. Both of the boys were fun to watch.

"Guys!" Mal yelled. "Do I have to remind you what we are all here for!?"

"Fairy Godmother. Blah, blah, blah." Jay started , answering Mal's question with as little focus and details as he could.

"Jay." I warned, softly. He wasn't taking this seriously.

"Magic wand. Blah, blah, blah." Jay answered, he was still full focused on the game.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents." Mal said.

Everyone looked over at Mal. There faces were full of regret and worry. We all wanted to live up to our parents impossible standards. We had already disappointed them enough, we needed to make up for it.

"To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel." She paused for a moment. No one could muster any words.

"Mal..." I started softly. "We got this. As long as we stick together, we won't fail."

Her eyes watched me as if trying to force herself to believe me. She was so scared of failing, we all were. I had almost given up on winning my mother love. She only cares for one thing, us to be like her. I didn't want to be like her. I had the power to do so, she would tell me that all the time but I had no heart for it. I didn't care to steel candy from babies, to rule a whole nation of people scared of me, to make people fear my name. That was her thing. I did what she asked, barely scrapping by. She sees the lack of desire and care and she hates it. Yet she can't stop comparing Mal to me as if I'm this perfect child. Well I'm not.

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