8 - Im... Im not bad looking. (Part 1)

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After yesterday's excitement I had spent the whole school day avoiding Ben at all costs. I already had literally everyone in this school congratulating me on my new relationship, I didn't want to mix it the guy involved. It was all just a little too much. Either way school was now over and I could relax a little... kinda. I needed some quiet right now and so I decided I would find that on the little trails around the school. I didn't feel like being cooped up right now and I didn't mind seeing more of the wood area of Auradon. I headed down one of the trails and got a decent space between me and the school. I let out a small deep breath and pulled my attention towards the woods. The trees and bushes created a short of fence around the school. A small unused trail had forked off of the original trail. The over grown bush and branch's over the opening had made it look as though no one ever went down it -at least not for a while. Fast footsteps from behind me, had caught my attention. I kept my gaze forward hoping whoever it was would leave me alone. I didn't even know if they planned on talking to me but I would prefer whoever to was, didn't.

"Isolde!" A familiar male voice called lightly from behind me.

I let out a small quiet groan before turning around with a fake smile. My fake smile had turned into a softer real one when my eyes landed on the boy. Ben had come to a stop in front of me, his mouth slightly open trying to gather his breath.

"Do you need a minute?" I asked.

He gave a smile before shaking his head. "I was wondering if you had plans later this evening."

"Uh... no." I answered, my brows furrowing together in some confusion.

I didn't know why he asked or even why he wanted to know. Maybe he was wanting to talk... like about the Isle? I was supposed to be his book of information on it anyway.

"Then I was hoping..." His checks had grown some pink as his voice started to grow higher in tone. A quiet awkward chuckle had found its way behind his words as he spoke. "...you would like to go on a date with me. Tonight."

My eyebrows shot up as my mouth was left open. "Huh?" I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Isolde, would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked again as his fingers had started to contact each other in a nervous manner.

He was asking me on a date? A date? I had gone on one date in my life. That date ended in some sort of relationship with a guy that failed the second he knew who I was or rather who my mother was. Safe to say that lasted all of a day. Sense then I had basically sworn myself to singleness and no guys. I forced myself to not care and honestly I didn't anymore but I also didn't have any guys asking. Well I had two guys ask after but all I had to do was mention my mother and they had disappeared into the streets. Evie was the guy girl. She did the dating, flirting, and relationships. Ben was standing in front of me, asking me on a date. A real date. A date with a guy who knew who my mother was. A guy who was also spelled. Any and all of my nervousness was supposed to falter when I realized that he was just spelled. He didn't actually care to take me out on a date, to get to know me, to start a relationship. He was blinded by magic.

"I don't go on dates with Princess." I joked, turning around and starting to walk away.

Ben quickly ran after me, his hand reaching out to gently grab my arm. "I'm asking as Ben."

I turned around to face him. This was for an our mission regardless of my feelings. I had to remember that.

"Then yes. I would love too."

Ben smile grew causing mine to do the same unconsciously. My eyes spotted a purple haired girl walking in the farther behind Ben.

"I have to go." I responded before Ben could anything more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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