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"As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once."
                                                                         -- John Green

Chapter 3

School started hours ago. It was already lunch and everyone started running out the class. I packed my stuff and got up from my seat. I started walking down the hall. 

I soon got into my new locker that was completely empty except it having my bag. Then suddenly I felt arms on my waist. I jumped feeling startled. 

"It's been too long, Daisy!" Jerome. He's been a friend of mine since junior high. He loved me as a sister. He was always there for me when I got picked on at school. It was nice to see him clinging onto me like he always does. "Where have you been?" He stepped back. 

"In prison, why?" I lifted my eyebrow.

"That's not funny" He pouted his lips. So cute. He had very faint red freckles that ran around his nose and curly ginger hair. His clothing was always on point. From to the white T-shirt and his blue jeans. So simple yet so nice."Hey, how's Alec been anyway?"

"Same old, Same old" I smiled. "You" 

"Nothing's changed other than the new tattoo I got on my hip" He started laughing in excitement.

"Really! Cool! Smart, too" I was impressed. "Your parent's won't even find out" I gave him a high five.

"Well It was great to see my favorite girl in the world" He grabbed my cheeks. "Anyway gotta go" 

I laughed while rubbing my cheeks."Bye, Germs" He smiled over his old nickname.

He ran to his close friend, Ron, they've been friends for quite some time. It was great to see Jerome. He left for the summer after all. 

I went back to my locker feeling like I'm in a good mood today. I was able to grab everything I needed for lunch. Pop tarts. My favourite snack. I held my stomach consciously thinking I would turn fat.

I heard whistling from the football team behind me. I turned around to see Alec laughing and having a good time. As the guys admired almost every girl that walked by. Pigs. 

I smiled when Alec waved at me. He made an apologetic face. I got the message immediately. Wasn't going to the cafeteria with me, I see. Luckily, I was able to join the Art Club this morning. I felt excited to be apart of this club this year. Art was the only thing that I enjoyed doing for years. The only subject I liked in this school. I hated sports, cooking and ever other classes that people took. I adore drawing with my life. 

 They agreed that the club would start today at lunch. I grabbed my sketchpad and slammed my locker shut. I whistled an Ed Sheeran song as I skipped to the art room. 

Students were already inside. There weren't any teachers which was cool. I grabbed a seat with no one next to me. I didn't know anyone here. It felt awkward because everyone seemed to have someone to talk to. Sort of, lonely I guess. 

"Hey" Someone said behind me. I turned around to see a really tall boy. He looked familiar. 

"Hey" I responded puzzled because I didn't know who he was. Considering the room was filled with girls. He was the only guy in the room. Which was weird.

"I don't know if you remember me but..." He smirked."I bumped into you this morning..."

I tried to recall what happened in the morning. "Oh--Oh. Yeah, of course, pretty boy!" Wait...What! I didn't just say that! I put my hand on my mouth.

He started laughing awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I noticed the weird tension in the air. My shoulders stiffened at the situation. Why do I have to be so creepy?

"It's alright..."He looked over at the empty seat beside him."Seems like we don't have any friends, would you like to..." 

"Y-Yeah, sure" I was glad someone talked to me at least, no matter how weird it may be. I sat next to him. 

"So, you like Art, huh" He adjusted his glasses and stared at me. 

"Ever since I was drawing in the womb" 

He smiled. "Whose your favorite artist?" He asked. 

"Vincent Van Gogh, you?" 

He smiled. "Pierre Lescot" 

"Yeah...of course! Love his artwork" 

"He's sculptor actually" Oh shit.


"It's alright" Just Awkward. He obviously left out. I was making a complete fucking fool out of myself!

I cleared my throat and decided to stop talking. I noticed the teenagers in the room were noticing my presence. Being Alec Garcia's best friend is hectic. 

Then, suddenly looked at the boy to my left. "What's your name, anyway?" How can I not start with that? 

"Grayson" He smiled again."Grayson Rockwell" 

"Are you a senior..."I've never seen him in the senior's hallway.

"No" He rubbed the back of his neck."A junior, actually" I nodded. Now, I get it. "Your a senior?"

"Yeah, so you better respect me" I pretended to dust my shoulders. He just laughed. 

"Yeahhh, okayyy" He kept laughing at my attempt to act cool. I gave him a dirty look then laughed with him. 

"Hey!" Someone yelled from the door. I whipped my head to see. Alec. He was by himself. He started to approach me."I said for you to wait for me!" 

"No you didn't" I was so confused. "You looked like you were going with the team..." He grabbed my wrist and squeezed it.  It kinda of hurt. 

"Let's go" He said ignoring Grayson's existence. 

"Bye then, I guess" I heard Grayson say. I waved at him as Alec dragged me out of the art room by force.

"What the hell, Alec!" We walked down the hall and he wouldn't even look at me. What's his deal? 

He kept walking and he looked angry about something. "Don't go around meeting new people without my consent." Was all he said. 

"It isn't your fucking business who I meet" I yelled."And I don't need your consent, thank you very much, since when did you become the substitute for my parents place"

He ignored me. And we made it outside the building where no one was around. He pushed me against the building wall. He stared at me while narrowing his eyes. 

"I'm trying to protect you" His softened with his words. "I don't need you talking--laughing with other guys!" He said those words hysterically.He let go of me and held his forehead.

"Go ahead protect me" I started walking back to the school building. "Just don't become over protective and shit" 

And with that. I walked away...



TEASER OF THE DAY: Daisy starts to avoid Alec while she tries to secretly meet up with Grayson...


ENJOY for more!! always UPDATING SOON!

"Alec & Daisy"--->

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