1. A Leader's Resolve

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At Tokya International Airport in Japan, amidst the bustling crowd and the hum of departure announcements, Kim Namjoon stood by the gate, his mind far from the impending flight to Seoul. The commercial shoot had gone smoothly, but his thoughts were occupied by matters closer to the heart—his BTS family.

As leader, Namjoon had always felt a deep responsibility towards his members. Now that they had all completed their military service and returned to their group activities, a new challenge loomed: their personal lives. Jin, the eldest, had long been a topic of discussion among them. Namjoon felt a paternal urge for Jin to settle down, believing it would bring stability and joy to his life beyond BTS.

Yet, despite their private considerations, none of them had taken the leap towards personal commitments. The unspoken fear lingered like a shadow—they dreaded that pursuing personal happiness might compromise the unbreakable bond they shared as BTS. Each member hesitated, not wanting to be the first to potentially alter the dynamics that defined their familial unity.

In recent weeks, Namjoon had wrestled with these thoughts, finally arriving at a resolution as he stood at the airport gate. "It must start with me," he murmured to himself, contemplating the weight of his decision. If he could find someone who could understand and embrace not just him but also his brothers in BTS, perhaps it would pave the way for the others to follow suit.

The announcement for boarding interrupted his reverie, but his mind raced with determination. As he prepared to return to Seoul, Namjoon carried with him a newfound resolve—to seek out a partner who would not only accept him but also embrace the unique family he cherished in BTS.

With a steady breath and a heart full of hope, Namjoon boarded the plane, knowing that his journey towards personal fulfilment and the continuation of BTS's legacy had just begun.

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