Chapter 11---Family Dinner III

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Chapter 11_____>>>>>>>>

Family Dinner III.

Hazbullah's Pov.

   Hazbullah stared at his parents trying to understand whatever they are trying to imply.

       "Chen is currently an entrepreneur, she owns various Fashion brands" Mr. Wu Ling complimented his daughter as she blushes slightly her cheeks a tint of red.
    "Very impressive! She'll be a perfect match for our Hazbullah!" Karima chimed in making Hazbullah immediately choked on his food upon hearing her.
    He immediately carried the water beside him and took a gulp before keeping it back beating his chest lightly in an attempt to calm himself down.
    All eyes went to him as he recovered slightly from the shock.
      "What is going on here...? Hazbullah asked with a straight facial expression.

       "Let's just get straight to the point" He spitted out through gritted teeth in annoyance.
    "We are proposing a marriage alliance between Chen and you" Mr.Hakim bluntly answered him.
      "And with whose consent is that happening?" Hazbullah enquired.

        "I can't remember telling any of my lovely parents to intrigue into my personal life" He added the hint of sarcasm evident in his tone.

      "It's not a disturbing issue son, we care for your well being" Karima said.

      "Oh no... you do, hmm... you really do... I can see it" Hazbullah sarcastically answered his mother who was at the verge of breaking down into tears.

         "You wanted me to be a wrestler and I've fulfilled your wish" he said.
    " I am the top in the boxing world disfiguring people's faces,fracturing their bones, crushing their skulls and turning their teeth into mashed plates! What more do you want!" Hazbullah fired in one breath.
         "It's not a request or a choice for you! It's an order!" Mr. Hakim thundered.
     "Oh please! I have been obeying your so-called orders since day-one!..... but not anymore!" Hazbullah fired with equal energy standing up.

        "Enough...en...ough.... Please....enough" Karima said putting a hand on her head as she falls off from her chair.

         "She fainted!" Chen shouted standing up to help Mrs.Hakim.
     Mr.Hakim rushed to his wife's aid.
    "Mother!" Hazbullah panicked stretching his hands forward to held her but his hands were held midway by Mr.Hakim.

      "Don't you dare touch her! You caused this! I don't know which type of son you're trying to kill his mother of heart attack! Leave!" Mr.Hakim shouted at Hazbullah.

        "Call the doctor Yen!" Mr.Hakim ordered scooping his petite wife as he headed upstairs.
     The Lings' Family followed him up while Hazbullah stayed stiffen to his spot still trying to take in whatever his father had said to him.
     Sani who was inside the main Kitchen having his dinner rushed out when he heard the commotion occurring just to be met with Dr.Rabil rushing upstairs.

       "Sir..." Sani started but got ignored by Hazbullah who walked upstairs after the doctor.
    He walked to the floor where he knows his parent's room is located standing near the door.
    He could see his mother laying on the enormous bed.
    It seems like she had regained consciousness because her eyes were slightly opening.
    The Lings' were sitting on the sofa's arranged at one corner of the room some steps away from the bed where Mr.Hakim sat on the chair near the bed facing his wife.
     "Hazbu...llah, my son...where's my son?" Karima asked as soon as she regained consciousness.

        "Hakim, where's Hazbullah?" She asked again her throat feeling dry as she rubs on it slightly with her hand.

       "That ingrate son of yours, stop thinking about him and just rest" Hakim said helping her sit up to drink the water he held.
    A tear slid off Hazbullah's cheeks as he watched the scene from afar.

      "Mother" He said in a very inaudible tone stretching his hands as if reaching out for her and putting it on his chest as he turns to leave.

Creation is hard!
Total word count—641words.

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