Chapter 3

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Still in shock from his revelation, I sat there, staring at him, unable to find words.

"Does it really shock you that much?" His voice tinged with a slight laugh.

"I'm sorry, but honestly, yes it does." I replied, deciding honesty was the best approach.

It's not that I couldn't see my self with someone as beautiful as him, but it's him we're talking about. He wasn't just someone to me. I've been having wet dreams about this man for 2 years. I can't remember when they started, but once they did there was no turning back.

Whenever that familiar needy pit would well in my belly before I climaxed, his face was the first thing that came to mind. Whenever the craving to be touched overwhelmed me, I imagine my hands transforming into his as I explore my body. He became my secret key to pleasure.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, as his eyes were still locked to my face.

"Oh, nothing. I do have a question though." I replied now eager to talk to him.

"Okay, ask me," he smiled, noticeably happy to see that I'm finally opening up, even if just a little bit.

"When did you start liking me? I know that it might seem silly, but I'm curious," I asked, my gaze drifting off into the distance.

"Hmm, probably about 3 years ago," he answered.

'No fucking way, he's been crushing on me for longer than I've been crushing on him. That's not possible.'  I muttered in my head.

"Can I ask why you never said anything until now?" I inquired, my body tensing up as I waited for his response.

"Honestly, at first you had a boyfriend, and it would have just been wrong to say anything. Secondly, I didn't want to get rejected." He chuckled.

Laughing to dismiss his seemingly ridiculous comment, I asked, "You really thought that I would reject you?"

How could this beautiful man sitting next to me, even entertain the idea that I would reject him. I mean, he could be a total shitbag in terms of personality, but from looks alone, there's just no way.

My thoughts started to run wild. I couldn't help but to think about all the times that I stole a glance over the years. Was he really looking back? Was he there and I never noticed him?

"Kennie!" he shouted snapping me out of me head.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I get lost in thought sometimes." I replied with a smile.

"I see that. How about you focus on me for just a few more minutes," he suggested. I could tell that he had more to say, but it was hard to concentrate. After-all, he just told me what I had been wanting to hear for the past 2 years.

"First, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked, as if her were running down a checklist of questions he had been holding on to just in case he got the opportunity to ask them.

"No, I'm single," I confirmed and he smiled.

"Okay. Are you opposed to at work relationships?" He seemed overly eager about this question.

Again, I replied, "No, they are fine, but I would prefer it not be broadcast."

"Okay, and final question, will you have dinner with me this Saturday night?" he asked, his tone filled with anticipation.

"Wait, what?" I could barley muster words as I stared into his eyes. Had he just asked me out? He, Jungkook himself, just asked me out.

"So, is that a, no?" he asked, looking worried.

"No, it's a yes. Definitely a yes," I replied quickly. I didn't want him to think I wasn't interested in getting to know him.

"Okay great" he said sounding relieved. "Is there any kind of food that you prefer?" He was taking mental notes with everything that I said.

"Hmm, I really like pasta, that or traditional Korean food." I answered, trying to suggest cheap but good options. I didn't want him to feel like he spent too much if the date didn't go well.

"Okay sounds good. I have a few places in mind in that case. What time should I pick you up from your place?" He asked excitedly.

"Well, what time would you like to go to dinner?" I countered.

"Let's say I pick you up at 4. We can hang out for a while and then we can go to dinner at 7. Sound good?" he proposed

It was clear he's been thinking about this for a while. He seems to have everything already planned out in his head and just needed my small inputs to complete the itinerary.

"Yes, that sounds just fine. I'm looking forward to it." I smiled as we headed back down to the cafeteria. We were only gone for about 10 minutes, but it felt like an eternity.

I could feel eyes on me as we walked together. He was popular, after all. I'm sure that many of the woman there were wondering why he was with me.

"Oh, before I go, don't forget to give me your number," he reminded me. I could feel the prying eyes on my neck like daggers. I took his phone from him and entered my number.

"Thanks, I'll call you Saturday, okay?" he confirmed.  I nodded, then got in line to grab my lunch.

I could barely find Mina, as she wasn't in our normal spot. She was with her boyfriend Teahyung, who came to visit her for lunch as a surprise.

Since she didn't know how long I'd be, they decided to sit on the other side of the room for a little more privacy.

When she finally looked up to see me walking her way, her smile was contagious. She knew from the look on my face that something big had happened in the last 10 minutes.

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