Chapter 11

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The days blurred together, each one bleeding into the next while Hana remained in the hospital. My visits were rare, and every time I did get to see her, her mother's cold gaze lingered too long. Her presence was a silent wall keeping me at bay. But today—today was different. The day circled on my mental calendar had finally arrived. Discharge day.

JK's voice had been a low murmur over the phone that morning, a hint of tension woven into his words. "Can you get things ready? Mom's going to... well, you know." He didn't need to explain; his mother's storm was always predictable.

I agreed, my mind already picturing the house. It wasn't just about making the place look right for Hana; it was about stepping into the rhythms of this life, of really being part of it while Hana healed. In a way, it was my chance to understand the woman JK held so dear, second only to his ever-watchful mother.

Inside the quiet house, I moved from room to room, a quiet hum of preparation. The scent of detergent filled the air as I tossed a load into the washer, a satisfying swoosh of clothes hitting the drum. My phone buzzed in my pocket, breaking the silence.

"Hey babe, Hana's all cleared! We're headed your way—about half an hour out."

A thrill shot through me, sudden and unexpected, my heartbeat quickening with the thought of finally having time with both of them—well, both minus one unwanted figure. I could deal with her later. For now, it was about making everything perfect.

In Hana's room, the sunlight poured in as I pulled the curtains wide. The room felt clean, welcoming, with fresh sheets tucked tightly on the bed and the subtle scent of linen in the air. I stepped back, inspecting every corner, as if wanting to leave no sign of the chaos life had been before today.

I hadn't noticed how long I'd been lost in the task until the quiet click of the front door lock echoed through the house. My pulse jumped. At the top of the stairs, slightly out of breath and feeling a little disheveled, I paused, my hand gripping the banister. They were home.

"Eonie!" Hana's voice rang out, her small frame wobbling slightly as she smiled up at me. "Oh shoot, is it okay if I call you that?" Her smile was soft but hopeful, her steps unsure.

I grinned, slightly leaning over the banister. "Of course, Hana." But as she wobbled again, concern flickered. I glanced around, eyes searching. "JK, where's her wheelchair?" The question slipped out, confusion tugging at my brow.

Before JK could answer, a sharp voice sliced through the room. "She doesn't need one."

I didn't need to look to know who it was. The click of heels, the unmistakable tension—his mother had arrived. I braced myself, inwardly rolling my eyes. Great, here we go.

"Hello, Mrs. Jeon," I greeted with a deep bow, hoping to keep things civil. But as I straightened and gave her a polite wave, her gaze narrowed, razor-sharp.

"Well, that's the greeting I expected," she sneered. "But how could I expect better manners from someone who doesn't know any?"

"Mother!" JK's voice was low but firm, his frustration barely masked. "Don't disrespect my girlfriend like that in my home." He pushed the door shut behind him, his words lingering in the tense air.

His mother crossed her arms, her glare practically boring a hole through me. "It's only customary," she hissed, "for you to come down here and greet me properly, not look down on me like some... peasant."

Her glare could freeze an ocean. I swallowed hard, forcing a calm expression. "I apologize, Mrs. Jeon. I had just finished cleaning and didn't want to approach you while... unpresentable." I bowed again, hoping it might ease her rigid demeanor. But her eyes remained cold, flicking away as she strode into the living room without another word.

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