Chapter 10

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"Kennie, are you okay?" He asked, watching the way his gaze dropped, heavy with something he tried to hide—an emotion that clung to him like a shadow, flickering between sadness and embarrassment.

"Yes, of course. Why do you ask?" I knew him too well; coyness wasn't my strong suit, but I wasn't about to call him on it. Not when his face said everything his words tried to mask.

"I'm sorry she was so harsh to you. She gets like that when she's overwhelmed." His apology carried the weight of years of understanding, but for the first time, I felt a shift—a small chasm between us, not in love, but in something else. A feeling I couldn't name right away.

As we reached the car, my steps slowed, suddenly aware of the space I seemed to occupy in his life, next to his sister and their unspoken bond. I swallowed and looked up at him. "You should go back," I said, my voice quieter than I intended, like I was asking for permission to step aside.

His brow furrowed, his hand already reaching for the door. "What do you mean? Hana will understand. She knows how our mother is. That's why she stays at my place most of the time." The determination in his voice was clear; he wasn't about to leave me stranded in this uncomfortable moment.

I smiled softly, knowing exactly what to say to weaken his resolve. "Do it for me." My tone, sweet and teasing, always made him cave. He sighed, and I saw the hint of frustration dance across his eyes—he hated when I used my charm. But there it was again, the unspoken promise between us: no matter how out of place I felt, he wasn't going to let me go that easily.

His brows knit together, a flicker of confusion darting through his eyes, as if he couldn't quite understand why this choice—so obvious to me—seemed so hard for him. I hated seeing him torn like this, caught between me and something that wasn't even a decision. He needed to be with his sister right now, no question.

I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. "Babe, you need to be with your sister. I can take your car, head back to your place, and wait. I'll cook us dinner, okay? Just go, spend time with your family." My voice was gentle but firm, pressing him to see what was best for him.

His arms wrapped around me with a sudden weight, pulling me into his chest like he was trying to anchor himself. I could feel the tension he carried, the way it seeped into his muscles, making his hug heavy, almost desperate. He pressed small kisses into the curve of my neck, each one filled with silent thanks, a quiet relief that I could feel in his breath.

"I promise, I won't be too long," he whispered against my skin. "I'll stay a few hours, then call a car to bring me home." His words hung between us, but it was the look in his eyes that said everything—the dimple deepening on his left cheek as his gaze locked with mine.

In that moment, I saw it. Something had shifted. He loved me more than he did an hour ago, and I could feel it. He had spent so long trying to be perfect, giving all of himself to everyone, that it caught him off guard when someone wanted something for him—for his peace.

The realization made my chest ache. It was a simple decision, and yet he had struggled, afraid I'd be upset if he chose to stay.

The cool evening air greeted me as I drove back to his place, the wind brushing my skin like a reminder of the warmth I'd left behind. Without him beside me, the car felt colder, like the chill had seeped in the moment he wasn't there. Is this how it felt for him before I came along? Before his sister moved in?

The thought of him coming home to that big, empty house—its high ceilings and echoing halls—made my stomach twist. I couldn't imagine it, the silence reverberating through all that space, with no one to fill it but the sound of his own voice.

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