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I saw MommySweeet's body
In the freezer,
It looked like her,
it was her, but she wasn't
in there anymore.
I couldn't hold her
I couldn't kiss
her soft cheeks.
I almost cry as I write this.
Where is my MommySweeet?
I read the sign on the door
Before I entered
We were once like you it read;
Now we are here,
it said; No, not true,
not here, not in this
lonely cold room
Not dead, not lifeless...
For almost a year I've been
crying softly into my pillow
secretly at night,
heart wrenching sobs.
When Mommysweets goes,
how will Sis and I
live on, so alone
in this evil world?
How will we fight
the battles against
the foundation,
how will we hold on
to salvation,
run the race, stand,
and not fall,
on the battlefield? How!?
When our general has gone
ahead, beyond the veil,
into the light?
"Be brave!!!" Mommysweets will say, always.
God gave me dreams;
He showed her safely
entering through a door;
the raging fish
and reptiles about
unable to harm her at all;
it was a bright and sunny day in this dream.
Bright and white!
God showed her to me again,
getting up
from her wheel chair,
after giving important instructions to many,
many workers here;
She did not fall!
She could walk!
She even looked
so much younger!
She bounced out
of the compound!
Through the gate
she walked out
victoriously! It was a bright and sunny day,
in this dream.
Bright and white!
Why then did I cry
every night?
My best friend!
My Noble mother!
I had imagined
all the wicked
watching her heal and
live on in abundance,
I imagined them punished and full of confession,
all wrongs righted.
I did not know
that God wanted her
with Him too;
and He wanted
yet another chance
for the wicked to maybe repent. Hmm. God really does not think like man!
I hear His Sovereign Voice,
Was Steven not stoned?
Was John not
boiled in a pot?
Were they not all My disciples? My beloved?
But no suffering on
this Earth, can compare
to the joy in My kingdom,
God says, it is all
for a moment,
just a moment...be brave!!!
It matters not what the wicked will say
what they will do, manipulate against you
MommySweeet knew
The Lord
Yeshua Ha'Mashiac,
The Word, The Son of God.
She is alive in Him,
in Jesus The Christ,
somewhere out there
above sunny blue skies
Where joyful activity
is domiciled...
Where it is always Day
and never night.
has moved on!
We'll see her again
when God accepts us
into His kingdom.
We celebrate her achievements,
We celebrate her person,
we follow her example
in holy living
Promising to stand
only on Truth
She followed The Way,
She followed The Light
Diligently, she ran the race,
Now so will we,
by God's grace!
Never goodbye, our beloved!
Our precious, darling,
loving mother
The Savior, saw her through
With us, He will do it again!!!
I'm not crying anymore,
I'm smiling,
I'm excited!
In a moment,
in just a moment!
In the twinkling of an eye, we shall be changed.
Be brave!!!
Yes Mommy, here we come
Marching to the sound
of the war drums
Singing to God
praises and adoration
Make your soldiers ready, Lord of Lords
Pick us up when we fall; sharpen our swords
Take us safely beyond the veil
Into Thy glorious kingdom
Yes Mommy,
here we come!

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