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A Psalm of Therie

Thou oh Lord,
Elohim, Adonai,
Thou did warn me
in my dream,
the trap set for me
by the enemy
An old serpent,
a wounded snake,
still cunning, still not dead,
Hiding within, somewhere
I did not suspect,
Yet I boasted, I gloried,
I celebrated my victory
Brethren! Do not glory yet!
And it aimed, yea, it did catch up with me,
to my great consternation,
my astonished disbelief,
My flesh emerged
and overruled
my intention,
yea, I desired,
I let my mind capitulate,
I let the longing seep out,
break out, I let it spread,
Till all the hard work
I'd done, melted away,
I failed to keep
mine own hand
from my iniquity,
Quickly I prayed,
quickly I confessed
to The Most High this stubborn weakness,
this deadly sin,
Punishment is still
my Heavenly Father's Mercy,
have mercy Oh God,
do not discard me;
The bones are drying up;
the work is not done,
the debts are rising,
nothing is tidy, Oh God
do not discard me;
Where is help,
where is sustenance,
Where is blessing,
has the enemy
not stolen it
ever so quickly?
I made the hole!
I opened the portal!
I broke mine own hedge!
As soon as I fell
and became unworthy,
oh God! Do not discard me;
Thou art
the Lover of my soul,
I say, I am truly sorry,
I will never ever ever
let my heart stray again,
I will never
let my mind open the gates
Thou art
The Lover of my soul!
Do not let me go!
Do not leave me
in captivity!
All my life
my soul has fought,
in and out, in and out,
This time around,
the wasteland labyrinth
is seemingly unending,
the dirty, muddy, rocky roads most treacherous,
the distance to cover
nearly impossible,
Balls of fire,
force of the sea
in Thy Name I command
the day spring
Yea, in my haste
I run faster,
I climb higher,
I fight the pain,
looking for the way back,
a greatest weapon
mercy remains!
Looking for the door out,
my nightmare is real
from this fasting
I did not design,
this poverty is surely divine,
for the time of remolding
upgrading, my training,
but Adonai, Elohim,
Open a door for me
Make a way for me
Bulldoze a highway
in this desert wilderness
Snatch me out
of this present darkness
Will Thou love me
for nought?
oh God, do not discard me!
Lover of my soul,
remember The Blood
The Blood
The Saviour shed for me,
confuse and frustrate
the covens
With a blast of Thy Nostrils
confound the kingdoms
disappoint the enemy,
they say I am guilty,
it is by clever trickery,
but I did get impatient,
waiting for my God
to cheer me;
I did get frustrated
at Thy silence,
Most High Holy Majesty,
with my tiny lot, lonely I got,
this pitiful nothing,
this poor appearing
You kept saying,
thou art rich!
I took a peep at what I need,
and the rest they say,
is history
Brethren! Thou art rich
but not here
follow the world if you dare
What we want is hijacked since childhood,
commandeered since
from the womb,
Syphoned before the ancestors understood
if foundations be faulty,
what can the righteous do?
our story is inscribed
in the catacombs
and in the clouds
in the Creator's Library,
penned down...
Thou did provide
a godly mother
whose person
pointed us to thee,
a greatest weapon
mercy remains
our nightmare is real
but we fight the pain
Will Thou love us
for nought?
Oh Lord God,
do not discard us
our souls have fought
all our years,
Thou fought alongside us, Christ in us,
never leave us,
grow, prevail
Thy Holy Word,
teaching everyday
an uncommon battle,
that within
the devil's prison camp,
Thou purposed to rescue
a sturdy remnant,
Yet unborn, Thou purposed to save our souls.
I was born in
complex controversy,
to prove right from wrong
to prove to whom I belong,
in ignorance, shackles, trauma, rage,
did Thou not lead us
gently away?
Safely Thou did set us
upon Truth;
That narrow, veritable
elusive pathway,
what a great mercy,
what a great love,
forgive again, even strengthen, even fortify
do not discard me!
Who am I, amidst Thy great,
Thy mighty overcomers?
The least, the smallest,
the weakest,
the one that cries
the loudest,
with the fattest tears,
seeing the end
approaching speedily, chance running its course,
But The Blood, oh God,
The Blood
Blood of Jesus Christ,
speak for us,
The greatest, I say, is mercy
I love Thee Oh God,
I don't belong
with the wicked, deliver me.
Stand, Brethren,
Stand Firm
Are we not warriors,
is this not war?
Fear not the terrible
teeming hoard
Stand, Brethren,
Hold the line
All praises be
to the Most High!
To His Son! To His Holy Spirit all reverence!
More precious than anything is His light!
More precious than the terror, is His Love!
He is Most Worthy
of all my life!
All my body! All my soul!
Praise be to God Almighty!
Stand! Hold the line! Ho-l-l-l-ddd....!

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