Welcoming back to Hueco Mondo

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Just going to say thanks for waiting and the support see you at the end 


| Location: Hollow world/Hueco Mondo | Time: ???

Deep in a land only made of white sand and dark sky tore open a portal in space

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Deep in a land only made of white sand and dark sky tore open a portal in space. Its purple and black form seeming very obvious to those who would watch it expand. Steps of multiple beings can be heard coming through its darkness with them getting repeatedly louder 

Walking out where a small group of three, two of witch felt a sudden warmth in their souls at arriving there. Glancing his narrowed eyes around the taller figure sensed out the area far beyond any normal vision. Not feeling much he searched slightly deeper

(hmm the felling of this place has changed.....there is less hunger in the air. It seems even from a simple search I can feel the difference in this place) their thoughts stopped when a tugging sensation was felt on their shoulder. Sighing he couldn't help but wonder if leaving already would be the right thing to do

Checking it a smaller form of a green haired girl starred back with her eyes filled with awe. Her head spinning around them looking at everything she could  "Oni-chan is this Huco Mondi?" she asked him trying to spell the name. Giving her a slight nod he faced their guide with a side eye stare "Yes this Hueco Mondo the home world of the hollows"

Star eyed the girl looked around again finding this white sand better then Suna's dessert sand "woah! so you lived here Oni-chan?!" the girl asked her brother as she shuck in excitement bouncing in place. Reaching her little hands out she was only wishing to get to the sands and explore them

"Yes I did for a long time in fact. No running off okay not now at least alright Fuu, maybe later when I know were safe to do so" His stare to their other group member was threating him if it wasn't he would the first to die. They gulped in their mind not needing to look back to feel the gaze and its meaning

"R-right this way I will lead us to Las Noches" Sweating a little when the stare to his back intensified. "c-c-come along now m-master is waiting for our arrival" shacking off his fear when they passed him going ahead he sigh under his breath

Sucking it back when he got a glare for not moving he stepped in front of them and lead the way as best he could. Fuu being so curious asked him a lot of questions witch he answered best he could. All while being very carful he didn't say anything the other wouldn't like his sister to hear

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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