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Now, I know y'all might be wondering WHY IN THE WORLD is there a sectional divider here but this is so I could focus on another part of the same story, the "company" behind the wreck and bring them out to flesh and work.

Since this is a sectional divider and I can practically do anything here without much questions/problems to the plot, I am adding another set of character interviews =3

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1. Maya Ramesh

Tell me a bit about yourself! What's your name?

My name is Maya and I am forced here against my will by the author to give this interview, so you will have to bear with me for some time, I guess.

I am popularly known as "The Notorious V" or "Miss Villain" and rightfully so! I am the villain and I love my title.

Also, The Gnosis is my favorite book. I have a liking for all things mysterious, magical and mischievous.

What's your role in the story?

Despite the author framing me for a heinous crime, I can assure you that I did nothing. I am innocent *glares at the author* but, you also cannot be too sure! I may not be as I seem or I may totally be as I am portrayed but that is totally up to you to decide!

I love to stir the pot, cause a lot of drama and pull pranks. No one could escape my antics and that is how I would like it to be! :D

I can't see you through the screen! What do you look like?

I don't know how I look like. I have a nose, a pair of eyes, two ears... is that description enough?

But, if you had to really know how I am, I say I am very much the life of any party that I walk in to, I love to cause troubles but do not worry, I will make it up to you later with a pot of hot dhoklas.

The main problem for me is boredom, so you would always find me stirring up pranks and pots for absolutely no reasons at all.

Who are your favorite castmates in the author's story?

I like Riddhi, she is my best friend that I can always rely on, despite the circumstances. We both try to be there for each other.

She is a bit of social media addict so from time to time she pulls me into every new social media platform that emerges and pulls me right into it.

Next, I would say, Suresh. He may seem strict and aloof at first, to the extent of being robotic but he really is a good and genuine person!

What part of the story are you most excited to have told?

I believe it might be when I finally get to meet Suresh after many years of separation but the author is not being kind and I will have to work my way up the ladder if I want things to go my way.

I even tried bribing her with a full course meal — pooris included and she still did not want to listen to my plans. I think we all are in for a ride as the drama of the author brings the tears of its readers.

Is there anything else you'd like to say?

I was in the middle of flipping my theplas. They better not be burnt, dear author or I will feed you the whole batch myself, with hands.

And if you try to resist, you already know I am not one to back down ;)

[her whole interview consisted of roasting me and her theplas and they tasted just fine, don't worry xD]

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