[...Gunnar Henderson...] - Summer Surprise

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Gunnar Henderson - Summer Surprise

Ever since I was a kid, I'd watched my brother Mark and his best friend Gunnar grow up together, getting into all sorts of trouble. From being dragged to their little league baseball games to their late night gaming sessions, I've never paid much attention to Gunnar—until this summer. It all started when Mark was away for a week, and Gunnar came over to hang out. I remember the day he arrived clearly; the way the sun caught in his messy hair, making him look like some kind of sunlit angel.

At first, it was just awkward. I tried to stay out of his way while he was at our house, figuring it wasn't my place to intrude on their hangout sessions. But Gunnar was persistent. He started making small talk, asking me about my favorite books and what music I was into. I was taken aback by how genuinely interested he seemed.

One evening, while we were both in the kitchen—me making a late-night snack and him rummaging through the fridge—he glanced at me with that charming, crooked smile of his and said, "You know, Mark always talks about how great his sister is. I finally see why."

My heart skipped a beat. I tried to play it cool, but inside, I was a bundle of nerves. "Oh, really?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Yeah," he said, leaning against the counter, "He's not wrong. You're pretty awesome."

From then on, our interactions were different. He'd tease me gently, but it felt more like he was trying to get to know me rather than just being polite. I started noticing the little things—the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, how his gaze lingered just a moment too long when he was talking to me.

One afternoon, we were sitting in the backyard, talking about our favorite movies. I was in the middle of explaining why I thought "Pride and Prejudice" was superior to "Sense and Sensibility" when Gunnar suddenly said, "You know, I never realized how cool you are."

I looked up at him, catching the sincerity in his eyes. "Thanks, Gunnar. That means a lot coming from you."

He leaned a little closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I mean it. You're one of the most interesting people I've met."

I felt a rush of warmth and hoped it wasn't just the summer heat making me blush.

When Mark came back, things changed. The dynamic between Gunnar and me had shifted, and Mark was oblivious. It was weird—Mark would joke around with Gunner like always, but now I could see the way Gunnar's attention would occasionally drift towards me.

I was still grappling with my feelings when one day, Gunnar casually mentioned that he was heading out for a walk and asked if I wanted to join. I hesitated, but then agreed.

As we walked through the park, we talked about everything and nothing, our conversation easy and comfortable. When we stopped by a quiet spot near the lake, Gunnar looked at me seriously and said, "You know, I've really enjoyed hanging out with you these past few days."

I felt my pulse quicken. "I've enjoyed it too," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Gunnar's eyes softened, and he took a deep breath. "I know this might be awkward with Mark around, but... I like you, y/n. More than just a friend."

My heart raced as I looked at him, trying to process what he was saying. "I... I like you too, Gunnar."

He smiled, that same crooked smile that made my heart flutter. "Good. Because I was hoping you might."

We stood there, the world feeling both enormous and incredibly small at the same time. For the first time, it seemed like the summer had something extraordinary in store for me, something I hadn't anticipated but was more than ready to embrace.


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