[...Fernando Tatis Jr. ...] - Group Chat Pt. 1

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Fernando Tatis Jr. - "Group Chat Pt. 1"


I stared at my phone, watching the message bubble from Kira hover over the group chat. This was it-our big planning session for the road trip, and I had my own secret to unravel. But before I could come clean, I wanted to have a bit of fun with my friends.

Kira: Okay, everyone, who's ready to start planning this epic road trip?

Meme: I'm in! What's the first item on the agenda?

Tash: Snacks! We need to make a list of everything we can't live without.

Aaron: I'm thinking beef jerky and pretzels. What about you guys?

Fernando: I'm in for the pretzels. We should also have some healthy stuff, like fruit or nuts.

Mookie: No way. We're getting donuts.

Marcus: Agreed. Donuts are a must.

I couldn't help but smile at their excitement. We've been friends since high school and it was always fun when the group got together, but today I had a little something extra on my mind.

Me: Sounds like a plan. But I've got something I need to tell you all.

Kira: Ooh, what's up? You're being mysterious.

Fernando: Yeah, what's going on?

Tash: Spill it, y/n. You're making us curious.

I hesitated, tapping my fingers on my screen. My heart raced as I considered dropping the bomb. Instead, I decided to string them along a bit.

Me: It's something big, but you all have to guess what it is.

Aaron: Come on, don't tease us. Just tell us!

Meme: I bet it's something crazy. You've been acting all secretive lately.

Fernando: Is it about the trip? Did something change?

I read Fernando's message, feeling a rush of warmth. If only he knew the real reason behind my secrecy.

Kira: Alright, we'll play your game. How about hints?

Me: Okay, hint number one: it involves someone in this chat.

Marcus: Well, that narrows it down. Who's being mysterious now?

Mookie: Wait, do we get to guess?

Me: Yep, go ahead. But no cheating!

Fernando: I'm guessing it's about one of us. But who?

Tash: Maybe it's about Aaron. He's always up to something.

Aaron: Hey! Not fair. What makes you think that?

Kira: It could be about Fernando. He's always so chill.

I felt a flutter of nerves as Fernando's name came up. They were getting close to the truth, but they still didn't know.

Fernando: Hmmm. Interesting guess. What's the next hint?

Me: Hint number two: it's not about the trip, but it might change the dynamics a bit.

Meme: That's vague. I'm still leaning towards Aaron's secret life as a superhero.

Aaron: Very funny. I'm just a regular guy.

Kira: I'm curious about the dynamics part. Could it be... romantic?

Fernando: Romantic? Are you saying someone has a crush?

I could feel my face flush as the message popped up. My secret crush on Fernando was almost out, but I wasn't ready to confirm it yet.

Me: Maybe.

Marcus: Oh man, this is getting good. Who's the lucky person?

Tash: Let's narrow it down. Is it someone in this chat?

Me: Yep. And it's not Aaron or Meme.

Fernando: Well, that leaves the rest of us. Marcus? Mookie?

I could tell they were getting closer to the truth. I loved the suspense but wanted to keep the guessing game alive a little longer.

Kira: Could it be... Fernando?

Fernando: Really? That's a bold guess. But I don't know.

The chat buzzed with excitement as everyone began to speculate wildly. I laughed to myself, enjoying the chaos I had set in motion.

Me: Alright, you've had your fun. I'll tell you the truth... later.

Fernando: You're killing us with suspense!

Marcus: Seriously, just tell us already!

Me: Not yet. I promise it's worth the wait.

As the chat continued to buzz with guesses and laughter, I felt a thrill of anticipation. This trip was going to be unforgettable, and my secret was just the beginning.


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