[...Ronald Acuña...] - Caught Between The Bases

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Ronald Acuña - "Caught Between The Bases"


I've always prided myself on being a straightforward person. As the team's publicist, I juggled media events, interviews, and game schedules with ease. But nothing prepared me for the emotional curveball I was about to face.

It all started on a sunny afternoon at Truist Park. The Braves were having an off-day practice, and the mood was light. I was making my rounds, handling a few interviews when Ozzie Albies approached me, his usual smile a bit more strained than usual.

 I was making my rounds, handling a few interviews when Ozzie Albies approached me, his usual smile a bit more strained than usual

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"Hey, Y/N, got a minute?" Ozzie asked, his eyes flickering with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"Sure, Ozzie. What's up?" I responded, trying to gauge the situation.

He led me to a quieter corner of the stadium. "I wanted to talk to you about something... personal," he said, his voice lowering. "I've been meaning to ask you out. I really like you, and I think we'd have a great time together."

The confession hit me like a fastball to the chest. I'd been harboring a secret of my own. Ronald Acuña Jr. and I had been seeing each other secretly for months. Our relationship was built on stolen moments and whispered promises, hidden from the world. The idea of choosing between Ronald and Ozzie felt impossible.

"Ozzie, I—" I began, but the words stuck in my throat. I wasn't ready to disclose my secret with Ronald just yet. "I appreciate the offer, really, but I... I'm not sure if it's a good idea."

Ozzie's face fell slightly, but he masked it with a determined look. "I understand, but please think about it. I've liked you for a long time."

Before I could respond further, Ronald appeared at the edge of our conversation, his usually cheerful demeanor replaced with a stern expression.

"What's going on here?" Ronald asked, his voice edged with a mix of concern and irritation.

"Ozzie was just asking me out," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

Ronald's gaze shifted to Ozzie, his jaw tightening. "You know, Ozzie, we should talk about this in private."

Ozzie, sensing the tension, nodded. "Sure, Ronald. Let's talk." He gave me a sympathetic glance before walking away with Ronald.

I watched them leave, anxiety gripping my heart. The conversation they were about to have would determine the fate of my relationships with both men.

Later that day, Ronald and I met in the break room, a place that had become our little hideaway. He closed the door behind him and turned to face me, his expression a mix of anger and hurt.

"So, you didn't think to tell me that Ozzie has been interested in you?" Ronald's tone was sharp, his eyes searching mine for answers.

"I didn't know how to tell you, Ronald," I said, my voice trembling. "I was afraid it would change everything between us."

"Change everything?" Ronald's frustration was palpable. "You mean like how Ozzie might ruin what we have?"

"Don't be like that," I snapped back. "It's not about ruining things. I never meant for any of this to happen. I've been trying to keep us private because I didn't want to complicate things."

Ronald's face softened slightly, but his frustration was still evident. "You could have at least told me. I thought we were past hiding."

"I didn't want to hurt you or Ozzie," I said. "This isn't easy for me either."

Ronald's expression turned solemn. "Well, it's not easy for me to see someone I care about caught in a mess like this."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. "What am I supposed to do now?"

Ronald's gaze was intense. "You need to figure it out. If you're not sure who you want, then you need to make a decision. But understand this—Ozzie has put himself out there, and it's not fair to him either."

The next day, Ozzie approached me with a hopeful look. "I'm ready to talk about it, Y/N. What have you decided?"

My heart pounded in my chest. Ronald's words echoed in my mind. I knew I had to make a decision, but my emotions were tangled. "Ozzie, I'm still trying to figure things out. It's not just about you or Ronald. It's about what's right for me too."

Ozzie's smile faltered. "I get it. But I need to know where we stand. I've been open with my feelings, and I'd like to know if there's a chance for us."

I looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity there. "I care about you a lot, Ozzie. But I'm not in a place where I can give you a clear answer right now."

Ozzie nodded, disappointment etched on his face. "Okay, I understand. Just know that if you ever decide, I'm here."

As he walked away, I felt a wave of confusion wash over me. Ronald's words and Ozzie's feelings were clashing in my mind. I was torn between two incredible people, each with their own special place in my heart.

Ronald and I had another quiet moment in the stands, where we often found solace. The stadium was empty, and the evening sky cast a soft glow over the field.

"Have you made any decisions?" Ronald asked, his voice gentle but firm.

"I'm struggling, Ronald," I admitted. "I care about both you and Ozzie, and I don't want to hurt anyone."

Ronald's gaze was steady. "You need to make a choice. This can't go on forever."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on me. "I don't know if I can make a decision right now."

Ronald's expression hardened. "You need to figure it out. It's not fair to leave things like this."

The conversation left me more conflicted than ever. I knew that whatever decision I made would impact all our lives.

As I stood there, torn between two worlds, the future seemed uncertain. The weight of the choice lay heavy on my shoulders, leaving me suspended between the bases of love and friendship.


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