Chapter 5 - the morning after

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Tina wakes up in Nicks bed early the next morning and while he's still fast asleep, Tina gets dressed and sneaks out, leaving a note for him that says that she's sorry she had to leave but that she would love to see him again.

She catches a cab back to her own apartment, has a hot shower and puts clean clothes on, leggings, tank top and a hoodie, puts on her sneakers, grabs her Michael Kors handbag and her black Samsonite laptop bag, containing her slim MacBook Pro and catches a cab downtown to a cafe, sits down in a smoking booth and lights up a Camel and takes a few drags off of her cigarette as she starts up her laptop to get some work done.

The night with Nick is replaying in her head as she opens up the document that holds the novel that she's working on over the summer. She waves a waitress over to order some breakfast.
"Can I have a large almond milk latte and chicken honey mustard baguette, please?" Tina asks.
"Sure thing, anything else?" the waitress asks.
"A chicken bacon ciabatta to go and another chicken honey mustard baguette to go", Tina says.
"Absolutely", the waitress says.
"Thank you", Tina says.

The waitress appears after a while three sandwiches, two wrapped up and the third on a plate as well as a coffee.
"Here you are, your sandwiches and your coffee", the waitress says.

Tina thanks her and puts the wrapped up sandwiches in her handbag and gets back to the problem in front of her on the screen, the manuscript that she's working on. She sits and stares at the screen in front of her, the manuscript isn't her only problem.

Her other problem is that she simply can't stop thinking about Nick. Then she gets an idea, she could write about their night together, change the names of course, but she could write about that.

She starts clattering away on the keyboard, by lunchtime, she's still at the cafe, she closes her laptop, puts it back in the laptop bag and gets up from the table,  leaving the cafe and going out to her car, the matt black Audi R8, the birthday present from her father when she'd gotten her drivers license, even though she'd told him driving in Stockholm was ludicrous.

She unlocks the car, puts her handbag and laptop bag on the seat beside her and gets behind the wheel. She drives to the nearest corner shop to buy a couple things. She picks up some mineral water, soda and beer as well as a couple food items.

When she's got everything she needs, she drives home, puts the groceries away and boots up her laptop while eating one of the sandwiches. After she's eaten, she decides, instead of getting the work done like she should, she texts Nick.

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