Chapter 9 - "take him with you when we go out for brunch"

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The next morning, Tina and Nick wake up in each other's arms, to the sound Tina's phone ringing. Nick hands Tina her phone and she answers the call.
"We're having brunch at Wayne's in an hour", Hannah says.
"Who are we?" Tina asks.
"Me, Denise, Max and Oscar", Hannah says.
"Who are Max and Oscar?" Tina asks.
"It's two guys we met at HIGH Bar last night, two Norwegian guys", Hannah says. "We're having couple's brunch at Wayne's on Drottninggatan at 10, bring your sexy Dane and join us."
"I'll ask if he wants to join us, I don't know what he has plans for today, I hope he is able to join us," Tina says.

Tina covers the receiver to ask Nick if he wants to join her, the girls and their summer dates, for brunch.
"Baby, do you want to join me, the girls and their dates for brunch at Wayne's on Drottninggatan at 10?" Tina asks.
"I definitely want to join for that, baby", Nick says.
"He says he wants to join us for that", Tina says in to the phone.
"Nice, can't wait to meet them properly, then they'll see that I'm not just some random guy who went after their friend when she was in a vulnerable state", Nick says with a smile and pull Tina back in to his arms.
"Yeah, they basically just met you shortly the night we first met, so they definitely want to meet you", Tina says.
"Perhaps we should go have a shower and get dressed, we can take my car downtown", Nick says with a smile.
"You're prepared to take your R8 there?" Tina asks.
"Sure, why not?" Nick asks. "Saves us cab fare that we can spend on something more fun, perhaps a nice home dinner at home tonight?"
"Don't tell me you can cook too!" Tina says surprised.
"Then I won't tell you that I can cook, I'll just show you, we can pop over to the grocery store after we've been out to this couple's brunch, if you're up for it," Nick says with a playful smile.
"You're so sweet, do you know that?" Tina asks.
"I try to be", Nick says sweetly.
"What are we having?" Tina asks.
"You'll see, you'll see, I'm sure you will be pleased with it," Nick says with a smile.

Nick and Tina get in to the shower together and wash each other. When they're done, they get dressed and Tina fixes her makeup and hair while Nick fixes his hair.

When they are done, they leave the penthouse apartment and get out to Nicks car, his beautiful shiny matt black Audi R8.

Nick drives them to Wayne's Coffee on Drottninggatan, parking the car and take Tinas hand as they walk in to the cafe.

They see Tina's girlfriends sitting with two guys in a large corner booth. Nick pulls out the chair for her and she sits down.
"What would you like, baby?" Nick asks. "I know you haven't had breakfast yet."
"Can you get me a chicken bacon ciabatta please?" Tina asks.
"Absolutely, anything else?" Nick asks.
"A cappuccino and a slice of blueberry cheesecake", Tina says.
"Coming right up", Nick says, kissing her playfully before going up to the counter to order for them.
"He's so sweet!" Hannah says, smiling at her friend.
"I know", Tina says with a dreamy smile. "He suggested a dinner date at home tonight, he's cooking."
"He can cook too? Girl, you really hit the jackpot with that one", Denise says.

Tina notices that both the other guys are looking slightly uncomfortable about their dates' ways of speaking of their friend's boyfriend. She clearly her throat sharply to make her friends snap out of it and remember that they have dates of their own beside them.

Nick appears with coffee, sandwiches, a slice blueberry cheesecake and a slice of carrot cake on a tray, sets the tray down between Tina and himself and they watch as Max and Oscar get up and walk over to the counter to order for themselves and their dates.
"I think they looked a little uncomfortable when they heard the way you and Hannah were talking about me", Nick tells Denise who blushes beet red.
"What do you mean?" Denise asks.
"Don't try acting cute, you're clearly coming on to my guy while you're on a date with your own, you're lucky we're in public and that I love you like a sister, otherwise I'd punch you straight in the damn jaw for that behavior, you're not only making your date uncomfortable, you're making me uncomfortable, and you're making Nick uncomfortable as well", Tina says. "Christ on crack, Denise, you have nothing to be jealous of, you're getting your summer romance that you so desperately wanted, focus on him and leave my guy alone. Max and Oscar appear after a couple minutes with slices of mud cake and chai lattes for the girls and carrot cake and coffee for themselves and sit down at the table next to their dates".

Max and Oscar appear after a couple minutes with slices of mud cake and chai lattes for the girls and carrot cake and coffee for themselves and sit down at the table next to their dates.

When Nick and Tina are done, they excuse themselves and leave the double dating couples to themselves, walk around the mall for a bit before going by the adjacent marketplace.

Nick pokes and prods at various things before he finds exactly what he's looking for. They walk by a seller of various meats and Nick picks out a couple grams of the meat he needs. Next they go to the spice market and he picks out some fresh and some dried herbs.

When they are done at the market, they carry the bags to Nicks car. Nick places the bags in the backseat, Tina gets comfortable in the passenger seat and waits for Nick to come around and getting behind the wheel.

Nick starts up the car and waits for a second, looking at Tina.
"Where to now? Any suggestions?" Nick asks.
"You have any wine at home? And have you got everything for tonight's dinner?" Tina asks.
"I believe we need to take a trip to Systembolaget, one of the things I miss about Copenhagen", Nick says.
"Then let's go there", Tina says.
"And then I believe a quick trip to Coop or Ica is in order, I'm out of a couple things at home", Nick says.
"Alright, let's go", Tina says with a smile.

Nick starts up the car and drives to nearest liquor store and they walk in together. Nick takes a shopping cart and picks out two bottles of a fine white wine, two of a fine red wine, they walk further in to the liquor store.

He picks out a couple bottles of hard cider, Sommersby, in the flavors pear and strawberry lime and Briska in the flavors pear, raspberry, blueberry raspberry.

When they are done, they walk up the counter and Nick takes out an American Express card from his wallet and pays for the beverages. They walk over to Nicks car and he puts the bags together with the others in the backseat.

Nick drives them to the nearest Ica and parks the car before he steps out, walks around and opens the door for Tina and holds his hand out to her to help her out of the car.

He pulls her in to his arms, kissing her deeply before they walk to the grocery store. Tina cuddles up to Nick as he takes a cart and they walk in to grocery store.

He picks out two bouquets of pink roses for her, putting them in the cart without her noticing. Further inside the store, he picks out freshly baked bread, garlic butter, a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables that they were unable to find at the market.

They walk by the store's own little bakery and he picks out two mud cakes, a tin of whipped cream, further inside the store, he picks out olive oil, bullion cubes, soy sauce and a couple other things that he needs.

When they are done, they get back out to his car and drive home to his apartment.
"Do you want any help with anything?"Tina asks.
"No, no, it's all good, you go have a long bath and change into something more comfortable, I'll pour you a glass of wine for when you come back and you can just watch me at work in the kitchen for you", Nick says.
"I love you", Tina says, kissing Nick on the neck and goes to have a shower.

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