Chapter 32

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Xiao Chuchu found herself in the Emperor's embrace, listening to his praise of her paternal grandfather, but her mind seemed elsewhere.

[Strange, originally my paternal grandfather didn't notice the rebellion of the Liao King.]

The Old Master of the Liu Family felt a chill down his spine for a moment.

Xiao Yunzhou raised an eyebrow.

But soon Xiao Chuchu chuckled, [Who would've thought, the Emperor suddenly had the idea to gift my paternal grandfather a basin of nine-colored peonies.]

[For generations, the Liu family has been tilling the land, tending to what grows from it. When my paternal grandfather received the peonies, he didn't just admire them, he immediately began studying how they could have nine petals and nine colors.]

[So, every action has its consequence!]

[The law of cause and effect can change at any moment. This time, thanks to the Emperor's gift of flowers to my paternal grandfather, he was rewarded! And he didn't forget the tradition of our ancestors tending to the crops in the fields.]

Xiao Yunzhou and Old Master Liu both smiled at the same time.

They felt incredibly satisfied!

—All thanks to my wisdom!

—All thanks to my understanding of flowers and plants!

Both of them were very pleased with the praise they received from Xiao Chuchu, and their moods lightened.

"Old Master Liu, for this year's Awarding Gold Festival banquet, you should enter the palace early. I have something to entrust you with," Xiao Yunzhou quickly got back to the main topic.

The Old Master of the Liu Family felt a shock.

Indeed, the Emperor could also hear the thoughts of the little princess!

He would have to be more careful in the future.

No more casual deceit or flattery, but genuine advice to the Emperor.

With these thoughts in mind, he took his leave, only to unexpectedly encounter Concubine Liu and the Fifth Prince in the side hall.

"Mother, Your Highness the Fifth Prince, you're also here?" Old Master Liu was surprised.

Concubine Liu and the Fifth Prince both coughed lightly.

They had been eavesdropping for a while, and had been pondering whether the Old Master of the Liu Family could also hear the thoughts of the little princess.

But after hearing the words of the little princess, they dismissed the idea.

It turned out that because of the Liu family's involvement with farming, they discovered the unusual peonies.

Concubine Liu and the Fifth Prince now understood, and Old Master Liu had stumbled upon good luck once again, seizing the opportunity and showing great insight!

It served him right to be praised by the Emperor this time.

"Father, you've worked hard."

"Paternal grandfather, I'll learn from you in the future."

Old Master Liu blushed for a moment.

What's wrong?

What happened?


Xiao Yunzhou joined them for lunch, but they didn't discuss what would happen at the Awarding Gold Festival, nor did they mention the matter of the Liao King and others again.

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