Chapter 70

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The two Wu Yun envoys looked towards Xiao Yunzhou, unable to hide the surprise on their faces.

"Even our Wu Yun soldiers were astonished when they first saw these newly bred horses, unable to distinguish the middle from the superior breeds!"

"We must put them to the test on horseback!"

The ministers of Jing Country were aghast, their mouths agape. Chancellor Fu Cha's long mustache was fluttering in the wind.

The two Wu Yun envoys bowed respectfully to Xiao Yunzhou.

"Your Honorable Majesty of Jing Country, you are truly the sun in the sky, your radiance so dazzling."

"No heresy or deviant path could obscure your discerning eyes."

The ministers of Jing Country stared at the flattering envoys in disbelief.

"We have brought a striking white steed, which would be too conspicuous on the battlefield, hoping that your esteemed country would misjudge its quality and be unable to bargain down the price."

The Wu Yun envoy sighed, "But little did we expect that our petty tricks would be seen through by Your Majesty at a mere glance."

The Wu Yun envoy bowed again, his face flushed red.

"We are truly ashamed, and we beg Your Honorable Majesty of Jing Country to forgive our disrespect."

The entire court fell silent.

Chancellor Fu Cha trembled as he looked towards Xiao Yunzhou.

He did not know what was happening, but he felt a twinge of pain on his aged face.

Yet, his old back straightened!

Their Emperor, their ruler of Jing Country, had risen!

Outside the palace, the wind howled.

However, all the ministers of Jing Country felt their blood boiling with fervor.

How long had it been?

How long!

Since the reign of the previous emperor, Jing Country had gradually lost its voice among neighboring states.

Those who once paid tribute no longer feared them.

Those who were once on good terms no longer heeded them.

The national strength of Jing Country was declining, its fate seemed to be fading.

Under the previous emperor, it became increasingly difficult to reverse the trend.

But they still wished to maintain the dignity of Jing Country. If other nations disrespected them, they would not acknowledge those nations!

But today, the long-estranged Wu Yun had once again bowed before them in Jing Country!

At that moment, all the ministers were filled with emotion.

"Your Honorable Majesty of Jing Country, under your dazzling brilliance, we dare not deceive you any further."

"If you agree to purchase our nation's warhorses, we will share with you, without reservation, the methods of breeding and raising these new warhorses."

The Wu Yun envoy reverently placed his right hand on his left chest.

"It is our honor to trade with such a wise ruler as yourself."

Ah, ah.

The ministers of Jing Country could not help but smile.

Their teeth were almost soured.

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