Chapter 125

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The imperial physicians in the study chamber were petrified.

They looked at the Emperor with silent protest in their eyes.

But Xiao Yunzhou pretended not to notice. "You all discuss it first. After the evening meal, the Emperor will come and hear about your progress."

"By the way, Liu Runnian."

Xiao Yunzhou turned his gaze toward Liu Runnian, the brilliant uncle whose talents were recognized by Little Princess.

"You have always been innovative, even though you don't understand medicine. You should stay and listen to the Imperial Academy of Medicine's views on smallpox. If you have any sudden insight, you can also discuss it with the Emperor's imperial physicians."

When the Emperor said this, Liu Runnian immediately received hostile looks from all the imperial physicians present.


Utter nonsense!

The left and right chief imperial physicians fixed their piercing gazes on Liu Runnian.

How could someone who doesn't understand medicine come up with a way to eradicate smallpox?

Utterly absurd.

If it weren't the Emperor who said it, they might have argued with him on the spot.



The left and right chief physicians, and the bolder elderly imperial physicians, snorted and turned their backs on Liu Runnian.

Liu Runnian: "..."

Wearing the official robe of the Ministry of Works, he felt quite awkward among the Imperial Academy of Medicine.

But... he had indeed heard how Little Princess dealt with smallpox.

...It's just inoculation, isn't it?

Liu Runnian suppressed his expression and looked down at his feet.

"By the way, Old Liu," Xiao Yunzhou continued, turning to Liu Wenchang, "you can also draft a memorial for the Emperor at the Ministry of Personnel. If anyone knows a divine physician or has studied smallpox, they can submit a petition. Whoever has merit, the Emperor will reward them."

Liu Wenchang acknowledged the order. Before leaving, he gave his eldest son a 'be careful' look.

Liu Runnian took a deep breath, indicating he understood.

"That's all for now. You all discuss it, while the Emperor handles the matters of the Earth and Moon Sect." With that, Xiao Yunzhou went to the Hall of Governance.

There was no helping it; he was truly occupied, stretched too thin.

He could only let the imperial physicians discuss first.

Of course, he knew that the imperial physicians wouldn't come up with anything, since the inoculation technique didn't belong to the mortal realm, but was brought by Little Princess from the Immortal Realm.

But no matter, he, the Son of Heaven, would 'guide' them later on.

With these thoughts, Xiao Yunzhou went to discuss with the commander of the Imperial Guards about investigating the remnants of the Earth and Moon Sect outside the capital.

The study chamber fell silent, then erupted in loud voices.

"Head Imperial Physician Hu, is this what you meant when you said the Emperor's medical skills are superb? I really believed your heresy!"

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