Chapter 177

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[Violence against violence! My mother is amazing!]

Xiao Chuchu couldn't contain her excitement.

[This is exactly what we need! These men dare to beat their wives because women have low social status and the legal system is inadequate. They know the authorities won't imprison or punish wife-beaters through legal means!]

[They're just bullies who prey on the weak and fear the strong. It's deliberate! Well, if that's the case, we women should stand up for ourselves and use an even stronger fist to show these men what's what!]

In her swaddling clothes, Xiao Chuchu's little face was flushed pink as she clenched her tiny fists.

She would always stand on the side of girls!

She didn't care about turning the other cheek or repaying evil with kindness.

The point was to hit back and make those wife-beaters cry!

[Severely punish wife-beaters! Beat them up!]

[If heaven won't deliver justice, my mother will!]

[If the authorities won't handle it, my mother will!]

Xiao Chuchu was frustrated that her arms were too short. [If only I were grown up, I'd ask my father for a long whip too. Whenever I saw injustice, I'd lash out at those bastards!]

[Got a problem? Go cry to my father!]

Xiao Yunzhou's mouth twitched, but he felt a hint of sweetness in his heart.

Look at that, the reincarnated celestial princess already knew to turn to him, her imperial father, when there was trouble.

Well, well, the celestial beats people up, and her imperial father takes the fall.

The celestial was so thoughtful... ahem.

Xiao Yunzhou felt a mix of pain and joy. The little celestial princess truly saw him as family.

Just as he was thinking this, Wei Zheng burst into the imperial study, nearly tumbling over himself.

"Your Majesty, the Minister of Justice has arrived. He says Concubine Liu publicly whipped a man bloody, causing a commotion on an entire street."

"Now, that man has crawled to the government office, demanding to sue Concubine Liu and asking for medical compensation!"

"He wants to hire a lawyer and take his grievance to the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Punishments."

In just this short time, the situation had escalated.

Zhang Wei, the Minister of Justice, wasn't allowed into the imperial study by the guards. He stood outside and spoke in a deep voice.

"I request Your Majesty to revoke that golden dragon whip."

"Even if a prince beats a commoner without reason, they are subject to the same punishment as ordinary people. How much more so for Concubine Liu?"

"If there's a grievance, the concubine can accompany that wife to file a complaint against her husband at the government office."

"The concubine cannot take the law into her own hands."

"Your Majesty, you shouldn't have given Concubine Liu such authority. It's against the rules."

Since ancient times, the country has had its laws, and families have had their rules.

"The concubine is neither a city governor nor the magistrate of the capital. She has no right to pass judgment, let alone punish people on her own."

Zhang Wei had never feared the emperor.

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