Word Twelve: Escape [rf]

19 2 16



Third person pov: 

Songs I listened to:



Hearty pounding, Shirogawa Haruto's eyes sifted through the multiple screens present in the surveillance room, looking for one in particular.

He found the one he was looking for, showing a Japanese teenage girl lying listlessly in a white room, staring up at the camera.


Through the camera, he saw a hazmat-wearing figure step through the door, and walk towards her.

"Sekiz. Get up," it said, the static from the recently-broken microphone distorting the audio.

The girl frowned, barely noticeable on screen, ignoring the figure.

"Sekiz." The figure lightly kicked at her side.

"Where are they?"


Haruto sighed. Kurori was really annoying all the higher-ups, being unruly and rebellious. But of course, it was all pinned on her race.

In that moment, he made a choice.


Sekiz missed all of them.

Kaminśka, Yılmaz, even the last one. What was her name? Sekiz couldn't remember.

Now no one was coming in her white room to teach her. So she just lay there, staring up at the camera she knew was there.

After that person left, the lights switched off. This had started happening recently. They said it was to help her sleep, but Sekiz found it harder to sleep with the lights off.

There was a knock on the door. Sekiz blinked, directing her attention from the camera to it. She wasn't scared, not anymore. Another person burst in, closing the door behind them. Was it the same person from before?

The person turned, revealing that they weren't wearing the black thing on their face. Sekiz held her breath.


It wasn't, thankfully. 

He must have the wrong person, she thought. She was Sekiz, not this other person.

He ran over, grabbing her arm.

"We have to go now, Kurori," he said. Sekiz could hear the note of panic in his voice, but decided to stay put.

"No! Who are you?"

He stopped, the hurt clear in his eyes. Then he shook his head, and the determination flooded back in.

"Doesn't matter. We have to go."

"Go where?"

"Out of here!"

She didn't want to go. She liked her white room.

Did she?

He gripped her arm tighter, basically dragging her out of the room. Sekiz's arm was starting to hurt, but she paid it no mind, more entranced by the colours outside.

"So... many..."

A man that looked like Sekiz walked past the one holding her, and he starting talking to the man.




"对。" The man holding her seemed to grimace.



He nodded, pushing past.


Haruto breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily he could speak Chinese, convincing the other man he was taking Kurori away.

"Quickly," he hissed, dragging Kurori.

"What did you tell that man?"

"I was taking you away."

That was technically the truth.

She fell silent, opting to stare at the unfamiliar corridor.

That was fine.

They walked a bit more, hiding sometimes when someone walked past. Haruto couldn't hear his own footsteps, with how loud his heart was. The fact that Kurori didn't seem to understand the situation killed him.

"春とさま?(Lord Haruto?)"

His head snapped to the direction of the voice, seeing an old woman gazing at Kurori with interest.


"それわ誰ですか?(Who is that?)"

He simply stared.

"私はより高い権限を持っています。  (I have higher authority.)"

She bowed her head and walked past. It was at moments like this that Haruto was glad he had worked so many years to get to such a high position.

"彼女を殺す、はい?(Kill her, yes?)"

And it was at moments like this that Haruto was not glad he had worked so many years to get to such a high position.


Sekiz stared in pure awe at the world of colours outside of the building. If she thought the corridors were colourful, the world was brighter.


Haruto quickly closed the door, before walking to her side. He slid off the hazmat suit, revealing that Yılmaz was right, and that the people inside the suits were like her.

He smiled, gesturing to the rising sun that painted the sky with vibrant pinks and oranges, illuminating the scarce trees planted around, the colourful light dancing around the silhouettes of objects.

"What are these colours..."

Haruto walked towards one of the trees, looking for a good leaf to pluck, to demonstrate the colour green to his sister.

"Ôi! (Oi!)"

He startled back, looking up the tree. A young girl slid down the branches, before coming to a stop right in front of him.

"Wow!" Kurori ran right to her, giving her a big hug.

The girl froze, petting her back awkwardly.

"This some weird pet of yours?"

"My sister."

"Em gái! (Sister!) Why didn't you say so?"

She pried herself from Sekiz's grip, grimacing as she did. Sekiz whined.

"Uh, who are you?"

"I'm Sekiz!"

"She's Kurori."

The two of them stared at each other, confused.

"Ok! Fun! Uh... I'm Anh Ngọc."

Sekiz blinked, before beaming.


Anh Ngọc's tough exterior melted, and she extended a hand. "You can call me Anh."




There's a reason Sekiz is Japanese- can anyone guess? (Clue- they're in America- 194+ period!)

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