3 - Moonlight Picnic

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A few nights later I walked outside to make sure everything was locked up for the evening when I saw Scott come walking up with our horses saddled and a smile on his face.

"Can I help you?" I asked and he chuckled.

"I was wondering you might humor me and go on a night ride with me?" Scott asked and I sighed.

"Humor you huh?" I asked crossing my arms and leaning against the post on the porch.

"Come on Kace, you know you want to." Scott said and gave me a pouty face.

"Oh alright...don't pout Hollywood. I wouldn't want you to get wrinkles before your prime." I laughed as he chuckled shaking his head.

We mounted the horses, and I followed Scott in the trail he wanted to take.

"So where exactly are we going? I know where this trail leads but..." I trailed off and Scott just shook his head.

"Don't worry about it cowgirl, just enjoy the scenery." Scott said and I sighed rolling my eyes.

"See it every day, there is nothing new." I mumbled.

We continued to ride in silence. Once we reached the lake Scott stopped his horse and tied him to the post down by the lake so he could graze and the grass and drink the water, I did the same.

"The lake?" I asked walking over to Scott who took my hand.

"Look." He pointed and I saw a blanket set up with some food laid on it and I smiled at Scott. The moon was full and shining in the lake giving us a beautiful natural light.

Scott took my hand, and we walked over to the blanket, and both sat down. Scott sat down and pulled me to sit between his legs.

"Comfy?" Scott asked as I snuggled back into him.

"Mmhmm." I hummed and he kissed the side of my head.

We were silent as we nibbled on the food. We knew what needed to be talked about, but we were both waiting for the other to crack.

"Kacie..." Scott said in a low tone, and I sighed with a small nod.

"I wish we didn't have to talk about it." I said and Scott sighed.

"You know I would stay if I could."

"But see you can come back. Finish filming or whatever you have to do and then one back." I said and Scott sighed.

"That's months from now Kacie, why don't you come to LA."

"I can't just leave the ranch Scott. I mean I got farmhands that can run this place but it's the Everhart ranch, it's my legacy." I explained.

"Kacie, when your daddy died and left you this ranch, he also told you not to make the ranch your life and to get out and see the world." Scott said and I groaned.

"Don't use what my father said to me on his death bed and in his will against me Scott." I grumbled.

"I'm just telling you what he said." Scott replied.

"Yeah, well he also told you to stay and marry me so we could have the ranch together and have mini Eastwoods running around...what about that promise you made him?" I asked and Scott ground rubbing a hand over his face.

"Okay don't start Kacie."

"I didn't start this Scott, you did." I said.

We both went silent knowing we were now just working on pissing each other off. Scott wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"Just please think about coming to LA. I would love to have you see my world. You don't have to stay forever but I mean you can stay with me, I can show you around, we can go to the beach..." Scott listed off and I sighed closing my eyes thinking of being on the beach.

"I'll let you know." I said and Scott smiled.

"That's all I can ask for." Scott answered. "Well, that and one more thing...I think we should make this official..." Scott trailed off taking off his cowboy hat and putting it on my head."

"You know this means in your girl now, right?" I asked.

"Oh, I remember, trust me and I figured it's time I follow some cowboy rules." Scott said, leaned down and passionately kissed me as I turned my head to meet his lips.

We just held each other and watched the moon, and stars dance on the lake.

* * *

I woke up like a shot the next morning realizing Scott and I were laying on the blanket by the lake and had fallen asleep the night before. I was wrapped in Scott's arms, and he was doing everything he could to keep me warm in the chill of the morning air.

"Hey..." I whispered and kissed his neck that was exposed to me since he was resting his chin on top of my head. He growled deep in his throat, and I smiled. "Eastwood..." I whispered and kissed him again.

"No...sleep..." he whined, and I laughed.

"We fell asleep by the lake..." I said and he snapped his eyes open and sat up letting me go.

"Well, this isn't good. We have to get back. I have early morning filming." Scott said, which proved that all he thought about when it was needed. He looked at me and sighed as he put a hand on my cheek. "I still remember what I asked you last night." Scott said grabbing his hat and putting it back on my head and I smiled adjusting it.

"Good. Now let's get cleaned up and head back." I said and he nodded.

As we got cleaned up and then headed back on the trail to the barn. We made it back and the producer when in the barn pacing.

"You know it's not enough you had him working in the barn, now you take him away all night?!" The producer yelled at me, and I looked at Scott.

"Hey!" Scott snapped getting off his horse. "She didn't take me out, I took her out last night and we fell asleep! This is on me." Scott snapped back as I dismounted from my horse.

The producer was silent and then looked at me.

"Well stay out of the way today..." the producer said and walked away. I grabbed the reigns from my horse and Scott's and went to put them in their stales.

"Let me help." Scott said and I shook my head.

"I got it. You should go get ready." I said and Scott groaned. He grabbed me around my waist, pulling me flush against him.

"I want you, only you, you are my life and my world. I was stupid to let you go years ago. I got you back and I don't intend on letting you go...ever." Scott said. I smiled as he leaned down and passionately kissed me.

"Go film Eastwood and then come and find me in my bed tonight..." I whispered against his lips. He groaned and I smiled as he fought every urge he had and walked away.

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