13 - The Future

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I woke up a few days later back at Scott's house and yawned. I noticed Scott wasn't in bed which didn't surprise me, that was pretty common since I had been here. I sat up and leaned against the headboard and looked down at my engagement ring.

Having this ring on my finger felt foreign but I thought because it just wasn't something I was used to. I gave a small smile when I started thinking about the life Scott and I could lead together. Yes, I would have to give up the ranch and my families legacy but I could have my own family and my own legacy with Scott.

I heard dishes crash in the kitchen and I got instantly concerned and rushed into the kitchen. I saw Scott getting the broom from the cabinet.

"Hey..." I said.

"Stop! There is broken glass everywhere." Scott said stopping me from walking into the kitchen. I stood in the doorway.

"You okay? What happened?" I asked.

"I thought I set the plates on the counter but they were teetering on the edge and fell off. I'm such a fucking idiot!" Scott grumbled.

"Accidents happen." I simply stated.

We were silent as he brushed up the glass. I went back to the bedroom and got my slippers so I could walk in the kitchen.

As I walked back in Scott was finishing up getting everything up. I walked over and helped him pick up the pieces that he couldn't get with the broom.

"I didn't need this right now. I have a meeting to go to about the movie we just finished then another movie being filmed in a few months...I don't need broken dishes." Scott said more talking to himself than to me.

"A new movie? I didn't know you have a new movie coming up." I said.

"Yeah filming in Australia." He said and I just looked at him slightly confused.

"For how long?" I asked.

"That I don't know. I will find out at the meeting today." Scott said and I just looked at him.

"And what do I do while you're away filming? Stay here?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"I mean I don't know if you could come. I mean I could always ask. We could rent a place for us and just be together in Australia." Scott said.

"And if I can't come?" I asked.

"Then we work something out. I mean you won't be able to go with me all the time Kacie..." Scott said. "But look at it this way it will give you time to get used to LA." Scott said and I huffed a laugh.

"Yeah and who do I call to be my guide? Nicole?" I snipped and Scott just looked at me annoyed.

"Low blow Kacie."

"But it's not! Your friends didn't make me feel the most comfortable, I have no one out here and you are just up and leaving me for Australia!" I argued.

"Well if the fact is you can't handle yourself alone here in LA and you are supposed to be staying here I guess the only option is for me not to work anymore." Scott stated.

"I never said that, don't jump to conclusions..." I trailed off.

"I just don't know what else you want me to do. It seems like the only option."

"Or I got back to the ranch! Spend time there, work, keep myself busy. When you get to come home I got back to LA and we plan a wedding." I said.

"Plan a wedding? I was thinking about a small wedding, just us, before I left."

"What?!" I shrieked.

"Why not?! We don't want to lose this and we don't want to be without the other."

"Scott, I'm not fast tracking a wedding and then having my husband be gone. Please think about this!" I begged

Scott looked at the clock, "I have to go, we will talk about this later. I will find out about you coming with to Australia." Scott walked over to me, kissed my cheek and walked out of the kitchen and soon I heard the front door close.

I sighed and looked at the small mess still in the kitchen so I continued cleaning the kitchen, then moved around to the entire house.

Once I was done I call Mikah, I needed to hear a friendly voice and it has been a few days since I got an update.

The phone rang and rang. Finally he picked up and sounded panicked.


"Yeah, what's going on?" I asked instantly on alert.

"The Manchesters are here. Saying they have a new deed to their land and we owe them 10 acres on our back 50. They say property lines got changed." Mikah panicked and I rushed to the bedroom and started packing my bag.

"I will be home soon. Call the land lawyer for me and have him look up the property lines and have everything ready for me." I said.

"Okay, when will you be home?" Mikah asked.

"As soon as I can." I said and hung up. I quickly booked a flight and rushed to leave but stopped at the door.

I needed to tell Scott but I wasn't sure if a note, phone call or text was better. I decided I would call him from the cab that was now also pulling up outside.

As I got in the back of the cab Marcus Manchester called about the land and bitching how my workers were letting him on his land now.

I ended up on the phone with him the entire way to the airport and then quickly had to boarded my plane.

I just wanted to get home and get everything worked out.

As I was sitting waiting to take off I pulled my phone out quickly.

Kacie: I'm sorry to tell you this way but I'm on a plane to go back home. There is a problem with the ranch and I'm needed. I had to no choice but to go.

There were a few minutes of silence then he answered.

Scott: Are you coming back?

I just sighed, no concern for what was happening. Just if I was coming back.

Kacie: I have to see what's going on with the ranch first. It's still my livelihood, I still have to take car of the place. You are more than welcome to come here and visit.

Scott: I don't know, I'll think about it.

I just sighed and leaned my head back on the chair...of course he was going to be snarky now.

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