9 - Not in Texas Anymore

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I woke up the next morning alone in bed, I looked around and saw I was in the room alone. I didn't know where Scott was. I got out of bed, threw on a shirt of his I found laying over a chair and headed into the house to look for him.

I heard music coming from a room on the other end of the house and I walked down to find Scott lifting some weights, shirtless and in a pair of shorts. I leaned against the door frame a just watched him.

"Are you just going to ogle me?" Scott asked looking up and meeting my eyes in the mirror. I smirked at him.

"I mean I'm good with ogling you. You have an issue with it?" I asked and he turned to look at me crooking his finger and I walked towards him. He pulled me into his lap to straddle him on the weight bench.

"Am I going to help you work out?" I asked and he shook his head with a smile as I leaned down and kissed him.

"Good morning." Scott said.

"Good morning. It was weird sleeping in..." I said and Scott chuckled.

"Which is why I didn't wake you up. You're on vacation, you need sleep." Scott said and I smirked at him.

"That's not what you were saying last night..."

"Well last night I finally had you all to myself in my bed in my house with no worries." Scott said and I smiled with a nod.

We just sat there holding each other for a minute.

"Did the airport happen to drop my bag off?" I asked.

"No, nothing yet..." Scott said.

"Well would you be able to take me out shopping for some clothes. I need everything since it was in there." I said.

"Does this mean I get a lingerie fashion show?" Scott waggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

"Maybe...if you're good." I said, kissed the tip of his nose and got off his lap.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said.

Scott quickly got up and he chased me through the house.

* * *

Scott and I were out of the house and we were clothes shopping. I wasn't finding anything that was me. I was getting stressed and annoyed and I knew Scott was getting tired of taking me to a few different stores.

I was looking at a rack when the sales associate walked up to me.

"Anything I can help you find?" She asked. The snootiness in her tone didn't go unnoticed.

"Um...I'm really just looking for some normal jeans and some t-shirts..." I explained and she eyed me up and down.

"Well I don't think we will have anything here for you that fits your...style." She said and I just looked at her. I looked around the store.

"So you're saying you don't have jeans and shirts?" I asked slightly raising my voice.

"Nothing that would suit you." She said. I just half nodded and turned to leave. I found Scott waiting by the door.

"Problem?" Scott asked.

"Let's go. They don't have anything for me." I walked out. Scott looked back at the sales associate and then followed me out.

He looked as I was halfway down the block.

"Kacie!" Scott yelled after me. Once he reached me he noticed I had tears in my eyes.

"Hey, what's going on?" Scott asked.

"I have been belittled by every sales associate in every store like I just was because I don't look like the Hollywood type. I want to look like myself and I don't want to conform." I said and Scott sighed.

"Unfortunately being here Kacie, you might have to conform a little bit." Scott said and I shook my head.

"Why?! So I get the LA mold, a mold I may not want to stay in?! A mold I don't belong in?!" I asked and Scott sighed.

"Kacie, can't you just try this a little for me?" Scott asked and I looked at him in shock.

"I thought you liked me for how I looked on the farm? For who I was..." I questioned.

"I do, I really do. Right now though, being here, you may have to conform." Scott said and I sighed.

I looked at the store I was standing in front of and just gave a small smile. I saw normal looking clothes through the window so I rushed in and Scott followed.

I was able to find everything I needed in this last store. Along with some pieces I never would have seen myself buying but Scott talked me into it.

We headed home after shopping and his cellphone rang.

"Give me a second..." Scott said and walked out of the bedroom where I was organizing everything I had bought. Soon he was walking back in when I pulled out a black mid-thigh dress that has a small white flower print all over it.

"Why don't you wash up, wear that dress and we go have dinner out somewhere tonight? Nothing fancy but just us out on the town." Scott suggested. I smiled and nodded.

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea. Would it be okay if I wore my boots?" I asked and Scott nodded with a smile.

"I insist you do." Scott said and I rushed over to him and kissed him as he placed a hand on my lower back and the other on my cheek. "Go get ready." Scott whispered against my lips and I headed into his bathroom.

* * *

As we were sitting at the outdoor restaurant I noticed people looking at starting.

"Do you get this everywhere's you go?" I whispered and Scott chuckled.

"I do but I'm not letting it bother me because you are finally here with me and you look beautiful might I add..." Scott trailed off and I winked at him.

"Sorry about my small breakdown today." I finally spoke up and Scott shook his head.

"I should have been more understanding. LA can be a lot for someone who isn't used to it and you coming from only knowing the farm..." Scott said and I nodded.

"I knew getting out would be scary but I didn't know this scary and wild." I admitted.

"Well welcome to LA." Scott laughed as I joined him on.

Once we got done eating Scott just drove us around LA, letting me see around the town. He finally parked on a hill top that over looked the lights of the city.

"Wow..." I said looking out at the lights.

"It's amazing isn't it?" Scott asked and I nodded but looked up.

"Cant see the stars like you can on the ranch though." I said and Scott sighed.

"No, that you can't."

We were silent and I felt his fingers interlace in mine.

"How will this work Kacie? I want this to work so bad right now with us." Scott said and I sighed.

"Someone is going to have to compromise and travel a lot or move." I said.

"That someone being me?" Scott asked.

"I mean I do have more at stake in Texas. I'm not going to sell the ranch." I said. "And you loved living with me in Texas when you did..." I continued.

"I know but flying out all the time for auditions..."

"Well then we are at an impasse Scott." I said and he half nodded.

"Would you be willing to try long distance?" Scott suggested, "Visiting each other. Like you could even come here over the winter when you aren't that busy..." Scott suggested and I half nodded.

"It could work. But you would have to come visit me in the spring and summer." I said and he half nodded.

"I can do that." Scott smiled. I leaned in my head on his shoulder.

"Then it's all worked out." I sighed.

"It sure is." Scott agreed as we looked at the city lights.

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