7 - Photos

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It had been a month since Scott left. A few text here and there but he was still filming.

I was in the office one day going over some paperwork when my cellphone pinged on the desk with news of Scott. Since he was mostly filming I was excited to get any news, only this news not so much.

It was pictures of Scott out and about with his co-star from the movie. They were in LA and the kicker was, the captions with the photos said filming finished 2 weeks ago.

They looked happy and together. I just sighed and put my phone down after shutting off the screen. I knew what he promised for us would be too good to be true.

I went back to doing my paperwork and just getting things ready for this summers season. I just wanted to get everything done.

As I was about to leave the office and head out to the barn to take my horse and check the fence on the perimeter to make sure it was holding up my cellphone rang. I looked and saw it was Scott.

"Not right now Hollywood." I said and ignored the call. I put my phone in my pocket and headed outside.

Scott called about 5 more times and I ignored each and every one. I was busy and he would have to learn to accept that. He was busy with his new girlfriend and I was just doing my job.

By the time I got back home that night I had enough time to make me a simple dinner and then take a nice relaxing bath.

As I was in the tub I grabbed my cellphone seeing a voicemail with each missed call. I decided I could listen to them and see what he had to say.

"Kace, it's Scott. Please don't look online. I won't hide anything from you but there are pictures out there that don't seem too great and were taken very much out of context. Call me. I love you."

I rolled my eyes and deleted it. On to the next one.

"Kace, come on. Now I just think you are screening your calls because you already saw the pictures and are pissed. Is that what happened? Please call me back ASAP."

I giggled to myself knowing he was panicking.

"Okay now I know for a fact you saw them and read the caption and you don't want to hear my excuses or explanation. I need to talk to you Kacie." The third voicemail said.

"Kacie, god damnit call me back! Now you are just acting like a child."

I just groaned after the fourth voicemail. He fucked up yet I was the child. I played the last one.

"If I don't hear from you in the few hours I'm jumping on a plane and coming to see you and make you talk to me. Kacie Everhart, you need to let me explain myself."

I just huffed a laugh and out my phone in the small table beside the tub and closed my eyes, leaning my head back.

There was no way he would come here...or would he? No, he wouldn't waste his time...right? If he was really serious about us he would hop on a plane, but he couldn't be serious, he was with her.

I tried relaxing but I couldn't relax, I growled and angrily got out of the tub. I quickly dried off, put on a tank top and shorts, walking into my bedroom with my phone.

I don't even remember dialing his number until he picked up.

"I was just fucking leaving the house to get a damn flight Kacie! What the hell?!" Scott snapped.

"Asking me what the hell?! Wondering why I was ignoring your calls?! Well first of all I had work to do, I know that may be a foreign concept to you since you can work whenever you want but some of us have jobs. Second of all, I thought you would be too busy with your co-star girlfriend to worry about calling me. Yeah I saw the pictures. Hey thanks for calling me two weeks ago when filming ended!" I ranted back.

There was silence and I could tell we were both just trying to calm down.

"I wanted to explain all of that to you..." Scott said.

"I don't know what you could possibly explain Scott! I mean you were holding her hand, she was all over you, you were hugging and dare I say it looked like kissing. I can't do this Scott, I can't deal with the hurt again. So if that's how it's going to be can we please just end this now so I can get on with my life?" I begged and l heard Scott blow out air.

"Kace, I don't want to end this with you. The pictures you saw were the last push for her and I for the movie. Yes the movie was done being filmed 2 weeks ago but I knew this push would be coming and I didn't want you here having to deal with it."

"I thought you told Damon and all of them no more of this fake relationship..."

"I did but this was already under contract. I promise you it's done Kacie, I swear." Scot sighed.

I just hung my head.

"Scott, I was just hurt, you could have warned me."

"I thought I had time. They were supposed to post tomorrow and I was going to call you today and warn you." Scott explained.

I didn't know what to believe. Was he really going to call and tell me, giving me a warning if would he call once they were out like he did hoping I didn't see them.

"Kace?" I heard Scott say my name making sure I still there.

"Yeah...I'm here." I meekly said.

"Can you please come to LA? I will pay for the ticket but I need you here with me I need to hold you." Scott said and I looked at the calander on my phone. Everything was done and what wasn't Mikah could handled.

"I mean I should be able to maybe for like 2 weeks if I leave in a day or so." I said.

"Really?! Okay well get me a date and I will get you a ticket. I can't wait to see you Kacie!" Scott exclaimed and I gave a small smile.

"I can't wait to see you." I said and I heard Scott give a sigh of relief.

"A few days and you'll be here."

"A few days. I need to go start getting ready. I will see you soon." I said.

"Cant wait." Scott said.

We both hung up and I instantly felt my stomach drop. Had I just been conned into going to LA just so Scott could prove he did nothing wrong? Did he really want me to come or was this for some sick revenge on the production company?

Either way I think this trip to LA was going to make or break Scott Eastwood and I.

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