It was time to play a waiting game.
For the next few weeks, Ysira did everything possible to secure the dragons all the food they needed. Viserys did, in fact, begin having Daenerys practice her High Valyrian more, giving her a book and highlighting the dragon commands they'd need to memorize. Balerion had already seemingly bonded with her, the only one of them that listened every single time she gave a command; the others followed suit once they saw what he was doing. Ysira hadn't gotten very close to them, wishing to give them their space to feel comfortable around their mother before she started trying to bond, if it was even possible.
Ser Jorah was a great help in receiving meat for the dragons and even making small wooden cages for them to sleep in, given they might need to hold them there during transport if they were still too small to fly safely overhead. For secrecy and safety matters, it was better the dragons be accustomed to hiding and staying quiet. Ysira didn't know what they would encounter on the road– she worried that the road would come very soon, before they were fully ready.
Viserys had been more quiet during that time, perhaps in his attempt to be a better listener. He hadn't argued with Ysira once and remained quiet during their little meetings, only asking questions after she'd finished speaking to give her a chance to explain everything. She appreciated it. She even noticed he'd started reading again, helping her with the research on dragons to ensure they did everything possible to have them grow quickly. Ever so often, he'd glance her way and offer a small smile, which was unnerving at first but slowly became familiar once more. Ysira preferred to see him pensive rather than aggressive.
A letter finally returned, delivered by Byan after being rushed from the main gates of the city. Ysira did not recognize the writing on the outside of the letter, her name having been written in a manner her uncle never used. Perhaps he'd written it in a rush. However, upon opening it, she confirmed it was not her uncle who had responded to her– rather, her father.
It fills me with pride to see the progress you have made on this plan. You have moved many mountains to bring this fortune upon your King and have proven the Rhoynar and Dornish fortitude continues to run in your veins. Shortly after you receive this, you will also be presented with a gift. Your uncle and I have decided it is time to give you something more that you will need in the weeks to come. This gift will ease your worries about establishing a Kingsguard and grant you some relief in finding sellswords to support your cause while your 'plan' grows.
You'll be pleased to know that some great things have happened here– things that we needed for you to have your opening. King Robert Baratheon is dead– a hunting mishap. Lord Eddard Stark has been imprisoned, Joffrey Baratheon has ascended the Iron Throne. The North is mobilizing to rescue their lord, though I hear rumor that he may still be executed for some apparent treason. This is the opening you needed. I will keep you updated and hope that your gift will come with more news.
Doran Martell
She didn't know how to process the letter, at first. Her father had never written to her directly– it was always her uncle relaying conversations they had had. Ysira hardly remembered what Prince Doran was like, having known him for only three years and scarcely able to remember anything during that period. She recalled him dragging her onto the boat that took her to King's Landing and never returned her home. Beyond that, he was simply a man her mother often spoke poorly of.
She didn't need to hear that her father was proud of her. It had never been her goal. A happy consequence, but not part of her plan. What she wondered about was this apparent gift he was sending her. Why now? After all these years, where had this desire to communicate with his daughter come from? Did he think he could win her over by sending direct resources? The only thing she'd ever asked for when she first began corresponding with Dorne was that they tell her important things and let her figure the rest out. She never wanted a present, she only wanted her father to give her what she needed to attain peace of mind.
Fatebringer | Viserys Targaryen
FantasyAs the tangled strings bearing the fate of House Targaryen neared their breaking point, a lone figure rose with the aim of untangling and strengthening the cords that bound them together, believing that given the right tug, one string could become t...