Chapter 22

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The morning fog hadn't faded when they set out for Dragonstone.

By week's end, as Viserys had wanted, they were armored and ready to sail toward Stannis's doom. The plan was for them to mount their dragons and fly ahead for the attack before their own ships became visible in the distance.

Their first trial was to sail through the Broken Arm and the Stepstones. After that, they'd keep their distance from the Stormlands, passing far enough from Estermont and Tarth then curving toward Dragonstone once Massey's Hook started. By Sharp Point, they needed to be in the sky.

The living situation was exponentially better this time around. Viserys and Ysira had no problem sharing an already too-small cabin, which meant there was extra room for provisions they could bring with them. Viserys teased that it would be funny to bed each other while at sea, for they could never manage to do it in the sky.

Ysira had opened the door too wide for him to tease her, given how she'd submitted to him the last time. He grew relentless in distracting her when she was making her plans and transferring her notes over to a map of their progress. He'd start to kiss her neck, leaning over to massage her breasts, and in mere seconds she'd forget what she was doing and lean into his touch, figuring a few less notes wouldn't hurt anyone. Of course, he knew to step away if he saw she was too concentrated. Yet, the smug and mischievous looks he always had on him would easily break her concentration, making a path for him to decide a distraction was merited.

It took them about ten days to sail to the point where Massey's Hook began. They began preparing themselves, setting up their archers and preparing the Unsullied to storm the beach and begin the march to the castle once the battle was through. Cannons had been placed on each ship to aid them in sinking Stannis's fleet. Ysira had mapped where they would all fly, intending each ship to be bathed in fire only once so they could cover more ground and focus on any archers that might be along the towers of Dragonstone.

"Let's go over this one more time," said Ysira firmly as Viserys and Daenerys gathered on deck, the dragons circling overhead. "Dany goes ahead because Balerion is the biggest. Viserys and I follow on Vhagar and Meraxes. If you encounter any trouble, you retreat to the ships immediately. If you can't make it, try to land on the grass as far from the castle as possible."

They nodded. "Dany is going to head straight toward the castle as soon as it is visible," continued Ysira. "Viserys and I will split at the tip of the island, each of us rounding it on one side heading to the fortress. Try to bathe the ships in a smooth line and leave those that jump in the sea to try and make it to shore on their own— we'll deal with them if they make it. If all goes well, we'll land at the beach."

Daenerys called for Balerion, mounting first. Then went Viserys, then Ysira. Their ships continued onward as the three flee in the direction of Dragonstone, over the lowest layer of clouds to somewhat mask their approach. It was difficult to breathe the higher up they went, and would probably only be absolutely necessary once their dragons were larger.

Once the castle appeared clearly ahead, they split. They kept their dragons quiet upon approach, the beating of wings and movement of shadows the only thing that would alert Stannis and his men that they'd finally arrived.

Ships were lined up through the Gullet, from Sharp Point to Dragonstone and from Dragonstone toward Celtigar Keep. At last, Balerion couldn't seem to contain himself and roared loudly to signal their arrival, Daenerys turning him toward the castle. Below, Ysira could already hear shouting.

"I'll round up ahead," yelled Viserys over the wind. "Toward Cracklaw Point then back. You stay in the Gullet."

She nodded. "See you on the beach." She tugged at the reins and pulled Meraxes down, the first of them that would begin incinerating the boats. "Embrot elenās, aderī!" Meraxes turned until the line of ships ran straight ahead, "Drakarys!" (T: Bank down, quickly!)

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