Chapter 10 - Mates

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Wyatt's POV

We returned to the den after midnight. Wakai had come home with us, so we could look after her. I carried a sleeping Wakai into her room, laying her gently on her bed. I turned to leave, but she grabbed my arm, "Stay," She said sleepily, "Just for a bit."

I sighed, and layed down beside her, my arm around her waist. Then I gasped as a searing pain burned my forearm. Wakai whimpered and sat up, holding her shoulder. I frowned, "Did you feel the burning too?" She nodded, confused.

I took my hand away from my wrist and looked at the area that had burnt. I gasped again, staring at the purple mark on my forearm.

 I gasped again, staring at the purple mark on my forearm

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"It's... it's a mate marking." I stuttered in disbelief, "You're my - we're mates!" Wakai looked at me in surprise, "Really?" She asked, eyes shining. I nodded. 

She layed back down and snuggled into my arm, "If I had to be mates with anyone, I'm glad it's you, Wyatt." Wakai said. I smiled, "Me too. I'm glad it's not someone like Willow Steele." Her nose twitched, "Who is Willow, anyway? That's what you called me when we first met."

I chuckled, "It is, isn't it? Um, well, everyone has always known that either Willa or I would be the next alpha. And Willow and her brother Walter always have thought very highly of themselves because their father is the one who... well... killed your parents." Wakai winced. I pulled her closer and continued.

"They decided that they were going to be mine and Willa's mates. But of course, they're not very likeable wolves, so we showed no intrest. Now that I, um, openly like you, Willow isn't happy. She was the one who was glaring at you earlier." Wakai nodded, "Ohhhh. That makes sense. She's gonna be furious when she discovers that we're mates." She laughed, "What even changes, now that we're mates?"

Then an idea struck me. I lowered my voice, whispering to Wakai, "Hey. Do you wanna make the most of our first night as mates?" She raised an eyebrow, "Are you implying what I think you're implying?" I nodded, "I definitely am."

~Time Skip~

Wakai's POV

The next morning, the pack all celebrated again. I had taken some more clothes out of the closet in my room, which were old clothes from the other wolves in the pack.

 I had taken some more clothes out of the closet in my room, which were old clothes from the other wolves in the pack

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Wyatt grinned as I exited the room. He gently caressed the spot on my shoulder where the mate marking was clearly visible. I grinned, kissing him, "Morning, Wy." He smirked, "Morning, 'Kai."

We went out into the common room, almost immediately being greeted by Wynter and Willa. Wynter bounded up excitedly, "Wakai! Wyatt! Hey!" Willa crossed her arms, "Wyatt, why weren't you in your room last night?" Me and Wyatt looked at each other awkwardly, "Well..." Willa's eyes widened, "Oh. Um, nevermind."

Wynter grabbed my arm roughly, "Wakai! What's this mark on your arm?" She inspected it, gasped and went over to Wyatt. He smiled and showed her his forearm. She squealed loudly, "You guys are mates!?" The den fell silent and stared at us. Wynter chuckled awkwardly, "Sorry..."

A female wolf with dark hair and a silvery-white streak walked over. She glared at me. Willow, I thought with distaste. She batted her eyelashes, "What's this I've heard? You two," she glanced between me and Wyatt, "Are mates?" Wyatt nodded, putting him arm around me.

She grabbed me by the arm and whispered, "You think you can just waltz in here and take everything I've ever worked for? My status as the smartest in the pack, my status as the prettiest in the pack, my status as Wyatt's mate!" I tore my arm away from her, "He was never your mate, and never will be." I spat.

I walked back over to the others. Willa chuckled, "You certainly told her." Wyatt hugged me, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. She's such a pain." I shrugged, "She's just lonely and confused. all she needs is a little guidance. She's not all that different from Addison." Wynter guffawed.

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