Chapter 7

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By the time we were going home for a long weekend, I had gotten used to the way the academy worked. We had all the normal classes like maths, science, politics, history, basic, and other languages. We would have Jedi-specific classes as well, mostly about feeling the force, understanding the force, and lightsaber skills. I had a practice sabre that couldn't hurt anyone but was fine against the training droids. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to take it home to show my family. One thing I was surprised about was I enjoyed the physical conditioning we were doing. I had gotten good at running longer distances and I had developed great balance, be it on 1 foot or in a handstand. Some of the older students could do a one-handed handstand but I wasn't quite that good at it yet. Emmi was enjoying it too, but she found the studies of the force her favourite.

We were only home for two full days before we had to go back. Kriy and I spent a lot of time together just being sisters, chatting, and enjoying each other's company. I was getting used to the train trip, so it wasn't as fun as the first time, but I had Emmi with me, so it wasn't too bad.

I was walking to the library back at the academy to do some research before dinner where Eron was waiting for me.

"Hello, Jo. I hope you had a good weekend."

There was something about the way he said that that gave me chills. "Thank you, I hope you did too." I tried to project calm confidence, but I didn't feel it.

"It was ok. My family was away this week, so I didn't go home. I stayed here with the teachers and some others who were learning to be full Jedi."

"Oh, that's a shame. I'm sure you would have liked to see your family."

"I have a little brother and sister who I adore and who I would do anything to protect. My dad is a different story. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something I have figured out about you."

"Oh, what is that."

"You weren't always a girl."

I stared at him, trying to figure out what he wanted.

"I was chatting with Master Ali and Juhani when she said you were looking much happier than when she first met you. I tried to find out why, but they didn't say, so I did some research. It turns out that you are a boy."

I glared at him. "I'm not a boy nor have I ever been. Just leave me alone and don't be stupid."

"I found your old school and some photos and articles about you. You were a top student at maths, and they were proud of your achievements."

"My previous statement is still true. Now leave me alone, I've got things I need to do."

"Ok, I might just talk to some of the other kids. I'm sure Emmi knows everything, but I doubt the other first years do."

"What do you want."

"Nothing really. Just some help."


"Trying to help my siblings. I don't have any way to help them right now but I'm working on finding ways to get them out of that house and away from my father. I could use some help with this."

"Why do you have to blackmail me into helping you? If your siblings are in trouble everyone here will help you."

"I can't prove anything, yet. I might need some help with obtaining that evidence. You are quite physically gifted. I might need you to help hide surveillance devices in my house. Nothing illegal but he can't know."

"I'll think about it. You need to get the to help. I'm sure they will help."

"They don't believe me. I don't have enough evidence for them to do anything, and they can't help without legal assistance."

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